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Man, I think I'm posting to much.

Anyway the new track "Headroom" is one of the last tracks to be included the "Miles Away" album. Very energetic (esp towards the end).

This track is 97% finish in my opinion, but that's the problem, I'm working on my opinion.

I need more. Let me know what you guys think about it. Yay or nay, thanks!

title: Headroom

album: Miles Away

encoded: 320 kbps

filesize: 19 MB


1. I like the plucked instrument (guitar?) that comes in right at the beginning, but it could sound a little fuller, especially once the song becomes busier, but it's not much of an issue.

2. Not much of a fan of the voice sample (?) that comes in at 0:21, especially because it's only on the right. Generally speaking, the song's panning needs some work.

3. Cool melody coming in at 1:02, but the instrument playing it sounds a little wonky.

4. Nice voice sample at 1:45.

5. Very weird transition at 2:10. What the hell?

(2. is still annoying)

6. Cool synth at 2:56. Sort of an acquired taste, but cool.

7. The breakdown around 4:30 is pretty vanilla. Could be more interesting.

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