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Video Tutorial: Finding and Using Free Soundfonts (Any program)

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Just finished up another tutorial video on where to find, and how to load up soundfonts using VSTi soundfont players. This works in any program that supports VSTs. Check it out and leave a rating or comment if it helps you out, Enjoy!

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Good intro to soundfonts (and sfz!). I'm sure some people will find it very useful.

Two comments. First, SFZ actually does respond to all GM controls, but these controls (like ADSR) are simply not available in the GUI. The old RGCaudio site has a listing of the MIDI CCs that control them so all you have to do is automate the specific CC in your sequencer then control away. The GUI controls are included in the full commercial version, SFZ+.

Secondly, people should know that just like SF2 people can make their own soundfonts. I think its actually easier to do so. Use Viena and you're golden

Oh, and ratings/comments seem to be disabled on the YouTube video.

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Thanks, and I know that you can do all of that with SFZ, but It's much too complicated to bring up since this is a beginner tutorial :P Also, I still tend not to use it since I run into multiple instance problems. As far as I can tell, rating and comments are allowed, I know Youtube had a few parts of their server down earlier today though.

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