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Some RuneScape Songs

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Hello, OCRM community;

This is my first post here, so if I'm doing something "horribly wrong", please tell me.

Anywho, I had a sudden urge about a month ago to recreate/remix some of my favorite songs from RuneScape, an MMORPG I long since retired from. I had downloaded a folder of RuneScape's music's MIDIs a ways back, mostly to listen to, but in this way I could full examine (and therefore rewrite) every individual note that I wanted to, without guesswork or whatever when I ended up wanting to recreate some of them.

My personal favorite RuneScape song was always Evil Bob's Island. I don't know why particularly, but I think it was the orchestral hits at the beginning and at some point in the middle. Dunno. In any case, this was the first song I attempted.

After Evil Bob's Island, I wanted to do a song that most players would know fairly well. What else, but the login screen's music? In the game (and the list of MIDIs that I had), it was titled "Scape Main". This actually took me much longer than Evil Bob's Island, although partially because I took a full 5-day break due to laziness, lol.

I realize the songs themselves aren't ready for actual submitting (they're at a bitrate of 256kbps I believe, rather than the limit of 192kbps), and they don't really have original names [yet], but I plan to remedy this of course, before I ever submit them.

Evil Bob's Island (No original name yet)


Link 1

Link 2

Scape Main (A Knight's Tale [i might use that name])


Link 1

Link 2

While Evil Bob's Island is very much a remix (where the song's "structure" is the same, for some of the song the only thing identical to the original is the melody), I tried to stay fairly close to the original source with Scape Main, adding my own creative liberties here and there. It's still a remix, but much closer to the original than Evil Bob's Island.

I'm mostly posting these here to see what the OCRM community thinks of them, before I submit them. Perhaps there's a way I can improve them before submitting? I've noticed that they have some fairly strict guidelines and so on especially regarding quality, and being the first RuneScape remixes up there (as far as I've noticed; if there's some actually up there already and I just couldn't find them, please inform me), I'd want them to make it through the Judges.

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I've always thought that RuneScape a number of remix-worthy tracks, like

,for instance. Seeing as there are something like six or seven hundred tracks in the game, I really believe that it doesn't get it's share of remix attention. To see someone finally bringing these songs out of the MIDI-filled sewers is a really good sign.

In the Scape Main track of yours, it honestly doesn't feel like you've changed the source much. Until I read that you did, I honestly couldn't tell that you didn't just assign new instruments to the original MIDI tracks. I think that the concept of reorchestration fits the song well, but you haven't made enough changed in the structure, melody, timbre, or anything, really, for it to be considered a true remix. My advice is to start over, from scratch, and create something totally new, retaining the main themes and motifs, of course. Be a little more creative with it; I promise you'll surprise yourself.

Evil Bob's Island does not have this problem. You've made the song your own, definitely. I really like some of the variation you have between the themes. Even so, don't be afraid to do even more to change the structure of the song. Move things around, add in some more original writing. And whatever you do, please, for the sake of humanity as a whole, no orchestra hits.

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In the Scape Main track of yours, it honestly doesn't feel like you've changed the source much. Until I read that you did, I honestly couldn't tell that you didn't just assign new instruments to the original MIDI tracks. I think that the concept of reorchestration fits the song well, but you haven't made enough changed in the structure, melody, timbre, or anything, really, for it to be considered a true remix.

w-wait.. are you saying it's possible to just open the MIDI files in FL Studio, reassign them new instruments, and change it from there? I've been rewriting all the notes by opening & examining them in Anvil Studio. o_o

My advice is to start over, from scratch, and create something totally new, retaining the main themes and motifs, of course. Be a little more creative with it; I promise you'll surprise yourself.

Oh, I guess so.. I was actually hoping to be, more or less, done with this RuneScape music for a while, and work on my other list of projects. :x

That is to say, I was willing to go back and put forth a bit of effort into improving the tracks, but to completely rewrite one of them? Maybe, although I may want to try it by this apparent method of opening it in FL Studio, reassigning instruments, and then changing it from there. I would of course make a lot of changes to make it more an actual remix and less a remaster-with-some-creative-liberties, but having the notes already written out like would be a lot easier than reading notes from the original MIDI and adding them into the song one-at-a-time (which I'm sure is the norm for those who are remixing songs without any such source to begin with, but if I have accessibility to it... :<)

Evil Bob's Island does not have this problem. You've made the song your own, definitely. I really like some of the variation you have between the themes. Even so, don't be afraid to do even more to change the structure of the song. Move things around, add in some more original writing. And whatever you do, please, for the sake of humanity as a whole, no orchestra hits.

Aww, no orchestra hits? That was the main reason I liked the original song :D

In seriousness, thanks; a couple of my friends have told me they like it better than Scape Main simply because Scape Main is too much like the original. That is to say, I liked it that way, but whatever floats your boat I suppose. I might try to put a bit more creativity into it; see what else I can do to make it more remix-y.

Whatever the case(s), thanks for the awesome input; it's the best post I've gotten from any community I'm in. Granted, this community is meant for this kind of stuff, but it stands true nonetheless :P

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