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Its been forever since I made a website. In fact, last time I did was a half ass geocities website for the last band I was in back in 2000 at least, maybe before that.

But anyway, to the questions at hand. My supervisor, while not really to my agreeing, is a very religious christian man. He does a lot of work with his church and such. Anyway, he asked me today about the details on what it would cost and the basic run down on what it would cost both money and time wise to start a small website for him to post his religion and information on. I'd like to help him cause I know it means a lot to him.

So questions. First, he is basically right now wanting a basic site that he can post in a blog like fashion for others to see, but later to expand on it, including pics, maybe a message board. So first, he would need some webspace and domain name. I think hes looking for something along the lines of www.mondaysmessage.com. Anyone happen to know of a good domain and webspace site that would either have a package deal that would be good for him, or even seperate set ups.

Also at first it doesnt have to be fancy, but would like to be upgradable to the point where he could take it however far he wanted to. He was discribing it to me, and at first I figured a livejournal would work, but I think this kinda expands beyond that. Plus I know a few people here have sites set up, and if anyone has the time to throw a little info my way, it'd be much appreciated. Thanks.


He should buy a domain name, get a wordpress.com blog (there's more to them than just blogging; it's more of a content management system; you can create static pages and such), and get to it.

If he's unhappy with the limitations of a wordpress.com blog, he can still get hosting somewhere, point his domain name there, and use the wordpress standalone package (which *does* let you customize CSS, for example; their hosted blogs do not). If he starts on one and moves later, he wouldn't even lose any data; it's easy to migrate data between blogs, and moving from wordpress to wordpress is even easier.


Thanks for the site. Im looking into that for him right now, and I think that would be a pretty good way to get started. He asked me about offering a product too, like study guides and literature. I was thinking on that maybe setting up an amazon.com store and setting prices for them through that. Good idea or no?


Can't help much with eStores; I have no experience with them. I don't know what Amazon does either; we don't have the 'independent merchants, list your goods here' capability in Canada yet (as far as I know). Ideally though, you want to find an eStore that's either free and you run it yourself (which means paying for an SSL certificate and the eStore software) or one that just takes a cut of the sales but does the work for you (probably what Amazon does). Avoid something like eBay where you'll probably be charged for each listing.

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