Diseased Project Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 First there was a cereal shaped liked a US state. Okay...Then the image of Michael Jackson in a tree stump. And lately, the image of Virgin Mary in a goddamn bird shit?? WTF! Who is stupid enough to fall into that one? A song had to be made of that event. At the moment the song itself is finished structurally, but I'd like to hear some comments concerning mostly the EQ of the vocal tracks. Do you think the song sounds too muddy? That's what I'd like to know. Be open-minded and take a shot. http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/135436/NeitsytMariaLinnunpaskassa.mp3 (It was done with a friend; he did 75% of the lyrics and is the other singer [or shouter if you will], I did everything else) Lyrics (they're finnish): Verse 1: Eräänä päivänä koet herätyksen Enkelit laulaa taustalla ilmestyksen Jumalainen merkki taivaalta annetaan Täsmäiskuna auton etuikkunaan Kertokaa ilosanomaa kaikille Kutsukaa uutistoimittajat heti paikalle Päästäkää kansa ihmettä katsomaan Sisäänpääsy vitosen ja lapset puoleen hintaan Lusikalla annetaan ja kauhalla vaaditaan Siinä tuloksena apinaa koijataan Kuka idiootti matkustaisi katsomaan Yhtä saatanan linnunpaskaa Varsinkin kun siinä väitetyssä kuvassa Olis pelkkä tekopyhä likainen huora Tee itsellesi palvelus ja osta uusi pää Ethän nykyisellä edes tee mitään Chorus: Neitsyt Maria, linnunpaskassa Neitsyt Maria, imagonsa raiskattuna Neitsyt Maria, linnunpaskassa Neitsyt Maria, pyhyytensä haudattuna Verse 2: Hei sinä, joo mä puhun sulle nyt vittu turpa rullalle ja kuuntelet et taida pelata täydellä pakalla ei pyhimyksetkään esiinny missä tahansa et sä saa mitenkään paskasta konvehtii etkä voi sen voimalla kerätä kolehtii jatka vielä vähän, niin mä poltan sun kirkkosi ihan vaan pelkästään vitutuksen vuoksi Marian ilmestys toki tuotteistetaan koko perheelle linnunpaska-t-paidat mukaan nyt taotaan, pian tää rauta jo viilenee idioottien virta aikanaan hiljenee lopulta paljastuu julma tosiasia linnunpaska olikin siemennestetahra mut kansaa ei kiinnosta, ne on jo toisaalla palvomassa perunalastujeesusta Chorus -------------------------------- Rough english translation: Verse 1: One day you get a wakeup call The angels are singing on the background of the revelation A divine sign from the heavens is given With full force to the windshield of a car Spread the word of joy to everyone Invite news reporters to the scene fast Let the people witness the miracle The entrance fee is five bucks, kids go half the price Given with a spoon, demanded with a scoop As a result the dumb is fooled Who the hell would travel to see Just one goddamn birdshit Especially when in the claimed image Would only appear a hypocrite, dirty whore Do yourself a favor and purchase a new head You're not even using the current one Chorus: Virgin Mary, in birdshit Virgin Mary, her image raped Virgin Mary, in birdshit Virgin Mary, her holiness buried Verse 2: Hey you, yes I'm talking to you Now shut the fuck up and listen I suppose you have a few screws loose Not even saints appear anywhere You can't turn shit into chocolate And ask for a collection based on that Continue a little longer, and I will torch your church Just because I'm so pissed off The appearance of Mary is naturally commercialized Birdshit -T-shirts for the whole family to go Now the forging, the iron will cool down soon The flow of idiots will dry out eventually Soon a cruel fact is revealed The birdshit was actually a semen stain But the people don't care, they are already elsewhere Worshipping a potato chip Jesus Chorus Quote
Diseased Project Posted September 10, 2009 Author Posted September 10, 2009 Added tags and changed a little bit of the EQ of my friend's vocals. Quote
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