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Remixer Name: Plazmataz

Real Name: Clark Powell

Game: Star Fox

Song: Corneria

Comments: I've worked on this song on and off for at least a year and a half. It's been a tremendous learning experience, and the end result holds lots of sentimental value for me. Whether or not it holds any normal value for anyone is yet to be decided. So, instead of droning on about all the problems the song has and all the things I wish I could do with it, I finally said, "What the hell," and submitted it.

The song a soft, slow one. Maybe even boring. But what I've essentially done is take the main themes from the Corneria track, slowed them down to a steady pulse rather than the clip the fly by at in the original, and stirred in as much harmony as I could possibly squeeze into it. With any luck, I've struck a good balance and ended up with something of value out of this long-term experiment.


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sf - "Corneria" (sf-09.spc)

I either love the name or hate the name, I can't decide which. This was one of the most interesting takes I've heard on this song, pretty much the opposite of what I would expect. Very reminiscent of Radiowar's "Lanterns", which was a similar style.

For the most part I love the elegiac atmosphere you have created, but I have a couple bones to pick. One, the synth that enter at 0:53 really doesn't fit. It's too unprocessed and precise, it sticks out, especially when soloed a little while later. I would have loved for that to get replaced with a more organic instrument, something suiting the song better. You could also afford to change up that riff a little. Two, the low strings that handle the main melody could afford to be more prominent since they are the only other tie to the source. Otherwise, this leans on being too liberal.

I'd love to see another version of this, Clark, with some rewriting. This is a very promising arrangement.

NO (resubmit)


I agree with Vinnie's assessment that the main melody in the low strings could be brought out a bit. I think the :53 synth is fine, though pushing it back a little via reverb would have it sit nicer with the rest. Some of the choir attacks sound a bit slow, when exposed, which leads to a weird feel in the song, where others are really solid, and add a lot. I think some suspended cymbal rolls if done subtly, would be excellent for transitions. Just sayin'. :-)

The name is super clever, but doesn't really fit the style. Either way, i'm cool with it.

This isn't quite there, as it needs a more dominant melodic presentation, but it's damn close, and some minor tweaks will get it in for sure. :-)

no, resub


I really like where you're heading with this, although it's not quite ready.

What's working: The arrangement. I think it's great, and I disagree with OA that it needs to be more melodic. You have dynamics, you have harmony, you have texture.

What's not working: Those vocal samples are really irking me. I would if at all possible, try to meet a singer who can sing the part. Meeting musicians is really not that hard; it's just a skill that tends to be missing from the average OCRemixer's skillset. If you can't do this, try brighening the vocals up in the mix. carve out a little 200-300Hz maybe, boost around 10k.

The other thing I think this mix could use is more overall level. There's really not a lot here in terms of dynamic peaks, so maybe just slap a nice limiter on it and booost!


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