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Red Zone - Title Music and Night Mission Remix


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So, I've made my first actual remix. Not a cover, not a simple genre bend, but an actual remix.

It's metal. Breakdowns, solo, lots of double-bass action, ect. So I'm hoping to get some feedback from those who are familiar with metal in particular, but any feedback will do.

Original tracks are Title Music and Night Mission.

Title Music:

Night Mission:

Remix is here: http://www.myspace.com/dustinbranscum

Song's at the top of the playlist on that page's player. I'll just let that link simmer for a few days/weeks/whatever. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Being a long time fan of this hard as balls game, it's a shame no one's taken the time to give feedback on this. So, I'll give it a shot...

The first thing I noticed that could use some fixing is the snare drum. When it gets hit in a rapid fashion like at 0:37, it stops sounding like a drum, and more like a gunshot effect (which isn't good when you can hear the sample get cut off as it plays again). As such, I think those areas could use something else being done with the drums to help alleviate that.

The next thing I noticed, was how muddy the song gets starting at 1:28. There's so much rumbling going on, that instruments become buried under it all. This really needs to be fixed since it happens continually from that point on. You're either adding too much bass to something (or possibly everything), or else you made this WIP too loud, resulting in a similar kind of aural distortion problem. Whatever the source is, it's hampering the song.

It's not a bad start, as I think the composition shows potential (some timing issues hear and there). But with so much rumbling going on, it's hard to completely hear all of the composition. However, if you can fix that distortion, then I think you'll be in much better shape with this mix.

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