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So there's this website that some of my friends and I frequent called Cans & Boxes.Basically, the premise of the site is that someone submits poetry and everyone has 1 month to put that poetry to music. Songs do get rated by listeners, but it's not really a competition.

So this month, my sister's poetry was posted. In true big brother fashion, I promised that I would take a dump all over her deep, meaningful work by turning it into shitty 80s glam rock, ala OLR or an EAR compo (That's about all my extremely Rube Goldberg rigged DAW setup will allow me to do, recording-wise)

Problem is, as someone pointed out to me when I was almost finished, that it actually has some potential to be pretty cool.

The Orginal Poetry

El WIP Uno

Right now, as I see it, the two biggest things I need to do are...

  • Find a guitarist to lay some power chords and a solo, in place of fake guitar and square wave solo. (hint hint, nudge nudge, OCR)
  • Get myself to a studio (probably my school's) and redo the vocals.

Not sure what how I'm going to do EQing, as at the moment, I'm literally singing into a microphone plugged into a 1/4" adapter, plugged into an 1/8" adapter, plugged into the mic input on my '02 laptop, running into audacity. I literally spend more time fixing latency problems and just trying to get it to work at all, than I do on my trying to get a good performance... I'll probably just spend a lot of time at school in front of their rig.

I think if I can somehow pull all of this together by 11:59pm December 31, I will be one of the cool kids, and the hot cheerleader I've had a crush on since 3rd grade will finally notice me.

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