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This is my first attempt at this stuff, but I wouldnt say its too shabby. What Do you guys think? Any sort of Mastering tips anyone wants to give? Even if you dont want to comment, thanks for listening!


Oh and any sort of pops or clicks in the piece are caused by the player in Soundcloud, I checked my file and they arent happening in the wav.


ALERT: This is going to sound harsh, but I'm not trying to hate. I'm trying to give a little help, as far as I can.

I think you've got the basic idea down as far as percussion and structure goes. Some of the little plucky synths are cool, too. However, I'm about to really tear the mix apart, so here goes....

First thing I notice right off the bat is that the mix is very dead and thin-sounding. I'm listening on a substantial system, and there's no bass to speak of in the mix. The kick lacks punch all over the spectrum, and the bassline is hollow. I'd suggest trying to find a different kick drum, and beefing up your bassline. This might be accomplished by lowering it an octave, maybe losing the unison on it. Remember, if it sounds too harsh to you, it can always be filtered. One of my favorite tricks is filtering the synth with a lo-pass filter, then adding some overdrive. You might try adding a sub-synth to the bassline, too. I usually just load up a basic sine wave one octave lower than the bassline synth. I'd also suggest changing up the bassline's pattern throughout the song. Instead of just having a boring, one-note sidechain throughout a lot of the song, you might try doing a little bit of creative sequencing.

The lead saw stab needs help too. That's another one I'd suggest finding another synth for--maybe one with a stronger unison, or you might try something a little different and lose the unison entirely. Right now, it just sounds thin and weak.

Finally, I'd suggest adding some FX to your various synths. Some tasteful reverb and delay, especially if it's automated creatively, can really add to an electro house track.

Hope that gives you something to go off of!


I disagree. The track ain't great, but for a very first attempt, it's actually pretty good. Mixing wasn't bleeding and the instruments were decent enough. A lot of people's first attempts are 100x shittier than this.

It's just repetitive and boring as hell in its current version. It's just a foundation right now and you can put all kinds of awesome stuff on top of it.

Not bad. Keep it up, learn some of the finer tricks and unisons and shit and you might have something there.


That is definitely an improvement. Now, all I'd really recommend doing is seeing if you can't make the song more interesting during the main body parts, as recommended by Meteo. Synth blips, percussion fills, whatever. I don't know if you listen to a lot of deadmau5 or not, but I'd recommend doing so. A lot of his tracks are very minimal, yet very enjoyable--he keeps the song moving forward. Also, if this is going to be a dance track, then your kick needs to be front and center. Usually the loudest single channel in the mix will be the kick--maybe the bassline. The bass is what gets people moving in the club and at a show, and electro house is strictly club music.

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