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Accessibility-wise, if I didn't mention this earlier, there's an option for "easy" controls that makes everything function as if it were Smash Bros. controls. If that's not enough, you can auto-air-combo with the ABC string also.

Edit: My TvC code is 5371-1917-7470 -- hit me up sometime, everyone!

New biggest combo does 80% lifebar to Ryu with 20% or more baroque: Zero+Chun Li.

Starting with Zero:

5A 5B 2C Baroque 5A 5B 2C 3C xx 623A A 3C (launch) sj.AABB dj. B, 236P to tag to Chun, 236AB hit with Chun's level 3 air super, damage is not scaled because you haven't done a hit with her yet.

Note with Zero that though 5C and 6C both combo very well, using them in combos will lower the combo's damage. Dunno why, but unless you need to build meter at the expense of not dealing damage, don't use em.

Edit: Ryu + Chun is the new hotness. As Ryu:

5A 5B 2B 5C 2C 6C 214C BBQ 5A 5B 5C 2C 6C 214C assist 5B 5C 6C 421C 5A 5C 2C 6C 214C xx 236AB. Omit late 2C's for short characters (Zero and lower).

If you're feeling really ballsy:

5A 5B 2B 5C 236A BBQ (air) 214C 5A 5B 2B 5C 2C 6C 421C 5A 5B 5C 2C 6C 214C assist 5B 5C 6C 214C xx 236AB.

Will instagib low-health characters (again, Zero and lower) assuming a 20% Baroque or higher.

If you need even more damage for some reason: Don't end those with a hurricane kick xx super -- end them with 3C (launch) sj. ab 236P (tag) 236 AB Chun super.

As Chun:

5A 5B 2B 5C 3C (launch) sj. ABBC j. BC j. B(immediately charge down), C, SBK. It looks like if your timing is perfect you can get 5A 2A (hold down) 2B 2C SBK, Ryu assist, 3C, air combo. Difficult to do though.

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