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In the opening, the organ is so overpowering and reverby, it pretty much drowns out everything.

If you want to continue to work on this, make it so that the organ does not drown everything out. This alone the biggest complaint.

I can really hear nothing over it, for the most part.

The strings are kinda in the same problem, really. Everything is blasting so loud, we can't hear a whole lot of subtlety.

It's just

DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DADADADA DA at full blast, and my volume is at medium.

Turn the volume down on the strings and organ, and you'll have a MUCH more serviceable remix.

Arrangement wise, nothing too crazy, but I will say that I like the slower pace.

Also, the instruments do not sound bad by any means to my ear. However, the strings being so high, they really sound phony to me.


Thanks for the help. Did not relise they were that loud and overpowering. But then again the "Organ" is actully me combineing a few different types of pianos, in FL keys and VST. I could not find a real good Organ VST, but a lot of useless soundfonts. The strings, were FL's default. I have new string patches, but they do not sound right at all.

  • 10 months later...

Church bells at beginning produce lots of white noise that could easily be filtered out. It shouldn't be more than a couple minutes of work. It's a greatly original idea though!

Organs are nice and all, but if used loudly like this, they'll easily let the sound crack. Which is exactly what happens, there's constant cracking in it. Same with the piano at 1:36, constant cracking cracking and more cracking purely due to loudness. There's only so much a loudness limiter such as maximus or the fruity limiter can filter out, the user does the rest

Overall, this is terrible audio quality and should be fixed if possible. The slowness is a great plus. If you've ever heard a church organ before (which I believe you're trying to mimic), you'll realize it needs a lot of stereoseperation

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