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I have to admit I am a sucker for sub $100 on ebay. I recently picked up an $80 AWOWO drum kit. After spending a solid 3 hours programming it to work with the computer, I rigged it up to some killer samples and started goofing around with random bits and with supporting instruments.

So here we go -

The piano and electric guitar are $500+ each, but everything else was done with cheapies. I've been really impressed with the bass and violin for how inexpensive they were although the bass has the action set up for hercules, so I need to lower it down. The violin sounds like absolute shit by itself, but then again, I think virtuoso solo violin players sound like a screeching cat unless they are playing in the mix with something else - then they sound truly amazing. Sadly, I am not amazing at it; the violin is harder than shit to play. It took like 40 takes to get that easy part right. I'll probably put my time and energy into electric guitar and singing.

Cheapie acoustic

Cheapie electric violin

Cheapie drumset (The rhythm is hard: sometimes it delays a tiny bit and other times I am sucking)

Cheapie Bass

Singing is free (well I have a cheapie microphone too)!! But I didn't sing on this one. Maybe soon!!


edit: Once I bought a clarinet off ebay, but it was absolutely unplayable. I made the mistake of getting the fancy white one instead of getting the generic cheapie. I've heard the same story about the bright colored violins. I've heard they are god awful. Mine is the standard maple?? color.

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