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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney "Reminiscence ~ DL-6 Case"

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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney "Reminiscence ~ DL-6 Case" theme.

For those who haven't played the game, you're a defense attorney, Phoenix Wright, who is preparing to defend a rival prosecuting attorney and childhood friend, Miles Edgeworth who'd been through quite a lot as a kid. Miles' father was a better than average defense attorney and inspired Miles to become a defense attorney, however during one case Miles and his father were stuck in an elevator with a court bailiff. There was a stuggle and eventually Miles' father was shot and killed and he'd blamed himself for his father's death for the next twenty something years, however(spoiler) you learn it was his mentor, who found the group unconscious in the elevator, and who is a high ranked prosecutor who hadn't lost a case in 40 years regardless of whether the defendant was guilty or innocent, until he met Phoenix Wright who broke the streak and saved his best friend's life and changed his whole character into a character who seeks the truth rather than a perfect record.

Here's the youtube link:

Miles is one of those characters who are cold and have walls put up, not so much to keep people out, but more to see who's willing to break them down, and Phoenix Wright does that and changes his thinking in regards to his profession, rather than seeking a win, seeking the truth, justice etc etc. Phoenix Wright was defended by Miles in their childhood years, and he inspired Phoenix to become a defense attorney, so they have a pretty strong bond.

so to those who read all of this and potentially plan on remixing, i wish the best of luck, congratulate you and apologise as well for the length of my request,


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