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It starts out minimalistic, mere percussion and a bass-line setting a moving, engaging beat, Then, after a long time (this track is in no rush), a single brass voice like a trumpet or something, plays a slower, almost tempo-subdued melody overtop of the moving baseline, and when it starts to feel like it's building up to something, the trumpet drops out and it goes back to just the baseline and percussion setting up another loop. The second time it gets to this buildup is another story, as it builds up to one of the best surprises in video-game music history, a full-blasting funktacular, fast moving and pulsing melody that OOZES cool, and it sustains the excitement just long enough to make everyone want to be on their feet and dancing, before it drops out and returns to the moving, yet minimalistic baseline.

Super Double Dragon, at the moment, is hugely neglected at overclocked remix, from what I can see...

As I understand it, the order of songs and some of the levels are different in the Japanese release? I think this track was a later level in the Japanese version..

Anyways, Super Double Dragon has a great atmosphere throughout and is an untapped resource for an overclocked remixer, but I am thinking in particular of level 2, the airport level. If anyone would take this track and bring it to light and give it the justice it deserves, that would be AWESOME!!!!!

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