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Just so you know, I have to use TuxGuitar to get anything done. I just wanted to make something that I liked, but this seems to have lost life when I converted it from a .mid to .mp3.


  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I'll give this a go. I'm trying to bump my own cause I'm pretty much at a dead end, so if you're bored...:tomatoface:

Bah, I always feel like a prick when I write up a critique like this one, but here goes some feedback.

Right off I can tell you this feels entirely too much like a midi. Very mechanical. You'll have to mix up your choices in synths a lot to achieve the sort of minimalist feel that (I think?) you're going for. This applies to all instruments used.

This doesn't vary much from the source, which is short, you'll need to do some custom writing and variation on the theme. A lot with a source this short. There are lots of musical things that can be done, most of which I don't feel smart enough to tell you about, as my theory is very weak. This is usually what gives me the most problems in my work.

There are places in this that could really use some additional sounds to help it not be so thin. Several places are just a very simple drum beat and that bell sounding lead. No bass sounds, no pad sounds. Just not very entertaining.

The tempo changes could work, but not to the extent that they're used in this. That crawling at the end of the track is almost painfully slow.

Length could be a problem, but at the moment there's not enough changes/variation to really make it much longer.

It's a very early WIP, neat source and some good ideas/textures there to work with. Just needs some direction. Good luck with this.



Well, the program that I am forced to work with is a guitar program for transposing sheet music to tabs with sound, and making a midi show how it was built. So with that in mind, I don't really know how much else to change it for the better. Maybe if I knew of some sort of freeware music compiler, I'd be great.


Following hewhoisiam's advise let me say that midi isn't really what you're aiming for. You can get Reaper pretty cheap for linux (or any other operating system) pretty cheap and there are free instruments you can use with it.


Got your pm earlier, here goes:

Textures and arrangement are pretty simplistic here. For the first section it's basically a bell synth and drums, with the bells later replaced by a synth, and so on. This definitely reminds me of more early on ocr stuff. To be honest, the arrangement is too simple and the samples pretty vanilla for something to be submitted here.

That said, I don't want you to get discouraged. This is a fair mix for someone new to the craft. I'd recommend you find yourself a DAW you're comfortable with (Reaper is cheap as free, since you mentioned a lack of funds), then some sounds (VST, etc) to add to your library.

Honestly, I wouldn't touch this mix anymore. Focus on getting a good enough setup that won't hold you back like what you have now. Again, check out Reaper, or perhaps the FL Studio free demo version to get aquainted with the process.

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