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*NO* Sonic the Hedgehog 'What's in a Title'


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Weston Ahern



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Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)

Title Theme/Jingle

Got bored around 3am and had one of my typical "Oh, Great Idea!" moments. Decided to finally do some more Sonic the Hedgehog remix's because everyone is always bugging me to do them. The last one I did was for a Fangame, and I've been so busy over the many months working on my own projects I've just never really had the inspiration. This particular piece is in my genre of choice "Happy Hardcore" - and I chose to take the opening theme/jingle and flesh it out into a little dance tune. Slammed the whole thing together in FLStudio and finished it in about 3 hours or so. This is my first submission to OCR and I'm really rather happy with how it came out. I'll probably be making some more in the future.



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There is a sprinkling of source in this, but overall it sounds mostly original. The mixing is decent, but some of the synths are really irritating, mainly the buzzy high one. You have a very authentic happy hardcore sound, but are missing out on the strong transitions and crescendos that makes the genre fun to listen to. There are rises and falls in the dynamics, but it seems like they are done at random, and don't have a proper arc.

The track is pretty good, but the structure issues, some of the synth choices, and the overall lack of source nudge it into No, please resubmit territory.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I liked the production here, but the same riff is just used too many times. And apart from that riff, this is entirely original. It sounds good for sure, but arranging such a short source tune is always a tough sell for our standards. In this case, too much of the tune is original, and the rest overuses the familiar riff. I did like the melody alterations; it's clear you're trying to meet our standards, but I just didn't think this was able to do it.


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