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Megaman X1 guitar effects (like in storm eagle or the opening stage theme)

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Hi folks, i wanna know what are the guitar effects used in megaman X songs (like that guitar effect in the begining of storm eagle theme) if is a pedal or a keyboard effect, please let me know.


The instruments used in the early Megaman X games are all instrument patches or samples, made to sound similar to a real guitar. This sound can't really be made with a real guitar.

However, the guitar does use some heavy reverb, which gives it an almost-echo sound. Is that what you're looking for?


yeah kind of i was looking for a pedal or a virtual pedal (dont need to be a real pedal for a guitar, can be, i dont know, a software, cause guitarpro kind makes a similar sound, but i was looking for one that i can compose a song whit it, and dont need to be only for a guitar, can be for a keyboard too, anything... i dont know if you are getting me xD i dont know how to explain correctly)

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