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I loved the Tales of remix album. I'm a big Tales fan and know that a good chunk of Tales games don't make it out to the US, but it I think it would be great if the OCRemix community remixed a few other Tales songs out there like:

Tales of Vasperia - Fury Sparks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwH1hPMyVZU

Tales of Graces - White Wishes (I included the english version)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blqw9hiRu_0

Tales of Symphonia Dawn of a New World - Japanese Opening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KszSBug2dFw

Tales of Abyss - Edge of a Decision http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd-IQ0vweRo

Tales of Destiny Remake - Barbatos Battle Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTTVK9z92ec

Tales of Destiny 2 - Wheel of Fortune http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZN7pzBWoXI&p=35E5D614C15CC844&playnext=1&index=1

Not sure if OCRemix does remixes on games only released in Japan. I mostly have a guitar, piano, violin remix. Not a fan of the techo remixes, but any remix would be great for the Tales Series ^_^.


Here's another that I heard recently while playing ToS - DotNW

With Courage - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-sKpfNVbbM&feature=related

Shinobi Life - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V3nNsehREI&feature=related

There is so much out there for the Tales Series, it a pretty underrated series in the US. I know it's mostly Namco's fault though for not porting a number of their games to the US and lack of marketing in the U.S.

Perhaps this is a good way for fans to help market the series to get songs remixed outside


Tales of Symphonia

1: Revival

2: The Edge of Nowhere

3: Shina (Sheena's Theme)

4: Refill The Relical Mode (Raine's Theme 2)

5: Collet - Sadness (Collete's Theme 2)

6: Encount with Renegade

7: Ending Credit Roll

8: Unsatisfied Desire

9: The Struggle to Survive

Actually I love the Tales Series. :( To bad quiet a few of their games are just out in Japan. I want to have more of them.

but those a few more that I would love to see remixed.

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