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Help save lives - Cystic Fibrosis month at QuipTracks.com

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I am afflicted by Cystic Fibrosis, a terrible disease that primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems. Every year, we raise money to find a cure leading up to Great Strides, a CF walk. The walk is in on October 9th, so from now until then, QuipTracks will be donating any and all money we earn to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. "What the hell is a QuipTrack", you are probably asking. Allow me to explain: QuipTracks are mp3 commentary tracks that make fun of and add lines to ridiculous, inane, asinine, insipid, uncouth, or otherwise unpleasant movies. If you've seen Mystery Science Theater 3000, you know the concept. So this whole deal is a win win for you, since you get to help a worthy cause AND enjoy some QuipTracks.

Cystic Fibrosis fills the lungs and pancreas with sticky mucus, slowly killing the lungs and hindering digestion. Those afflicted must spend hours every day inhaling medication and attempting to cough mucus out of the lungs so they can breath. They also need to take a myriad of pills with every meal so that food will digest. The average life expectancy is around 40, but that number is constantly rising as breakthroughs are made with donations from people like you, so please spend at least a couple bucks on a QuipTrack this month to help extend my life.

Thank you!


PS. Obviously, I don't have a very large presence in this community, so it's entirely likely that you think this is a scam and that we'll never give anything to CFF. I originally posted this on a message board more familiar with QuipTracks that we've built up some trust with. If nobody here believes me, that's OK and I totally understand.

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