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I've got a new arrangement done (probably 95% finished) for my brass quintet. I decided to start up an old project of mine that had been stewing for a while, and I'm really, really glad I did. Thus far I've found that the Legend of Mana soundtrack adapts well to live brass, so I have high hopes for this arrangement.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn0CZfeJ3Hc

I haven't quite decided if this should be a standalone arrangement or if it should be part of a medley. If I were to work in other songs, I'd probably try and see if I could adapt Southern City Polpota, City of Flickering Destruction/Those Who are Shining, and maybe even Irwin on Reflection.

The quintet is rehearsing tonight and hopefully our sight-reading of it will be good enough that I'll feel comfortable posting it.

Anyway, link to the midi-rendition:


New version, from 11-17-10 rehearsal. Sight-reading is fun!



hey! thats awesome dude, good luck with your rehearsal id love to hear this played by real brassers :P

p.s if you never get around to recording it, send me the midi and ill render it at the studio as high quality vsts (at least its better than midi :P), unless thats something you could do yourself!, just being helpful you know haha.


Update from tonight's rehearsal:

This is pretty fun to play (I think it's my best arrangement to date) and it sounds pretty good considering it was recorded on a dinky little zoom recorder. Yeah.

My own self-critique would be that the last two transitions need work. I don't have anything leading into the downbeat, and the lack of a pulse really kills the momentum in my opinion.

Note to self: consider flugels instead of trumpets; darker sound would be really nice for this piece.

Anyway, here it is:


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