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Ok so I have this problem where I route the reason devices into the hardware interface with two wires which I assume are left and right. When I go to mess with them in the fl mixer each of the instruments take up two mixer tracks in the fl mixer, except the first device which I have routed to outputs for left and right, 1 and 2. So do I only need one cable to make that channel stereo without taking up 2 mixer tracks in fl studio?


Is the main idea to simply take up less tracks in FL or to get them into one channel as L/R channels? If the second, then simply pan one of the channels all left, the other all right, then route both to another intermediate track.

If you want to get only 1 input, then so long as your input jack takes stereo I would recommend picking up an adapter at Radioshack that will put your two mono tracks into one stereo cable. Good luck!


Hmm that second way sounds foreign. I'm not hooking up any actual hardware or anything like that.

This is the setup, (as best as I can visually describe it without being at my own computer since I still don't have any internet):

I have a certain number or combinators, each with the instruments, drums, effects, whatever going into the hardware interface on reason, and they're respectively plugged into the left right inputs, but they're all numbered individually, I'm assuming for mono:

Example: I have the left wire of the first combinator going into input 1 of the hardware interface and the right going into input 2, combinator 2 is going into ports 3,4 combinator 3 is going into ports 5,6, etc. combinator 1 is the only device where there's stereo and it doesn't take up two tracks in the fl mixer. All other combinators past the first one take up two tracks on the fl mixer, so if I were to use 15 for the max amount of midi channels, my fl mixer would be plagued by 32 mixer tracks taken up by the 15 combinator devices and the hardware interface. I don't want that, I just want it so the combinators, no matter how many I make, only takes up 1 channel on the fl mixer. Do I just only need one wire going from the left output of the combinator to the left of the hardware interface or what?


I believe that what you're trying to do is possible and I think I've even done it. I didn't realize you were using ReWire instead of hardware sorry about that.

Check the FLStudio documentation on ReWire it might be able to help. I'd do some testing, but I don't have Reason installed right now. Good luck!

Whooaaa, that help to solve my problem. I'll have to check that out. now once again I still have no internet, but one question I have is, are these options on the individual tracks as well or just the master track?

I find this sad that you don't know this. You should explore FL Studio more. :P

Yeah each individual track has an input and output selection.


ok, so I took nabeels advice and started exploring fl studio and reason. the bad news is reasons hardware interface has only one pair of stereo outputs so what I was wanting to I cant I either have to mix all instruments within reason which is fine I supose, or i can live with the instruments being only being half a device and continue routing them through the fl mixer ;_;.

ok, so I took nabeels advice and started exploring fl studio and reason. the bad news is reasons hardware interface has only one pair of stereo outputs so what I was wanting to I cant I either have to mix all instruments within reason which is fine I supose, or i can live with the instruments being only being half a device and continue routing them through the fl mixer ;_;.

You select the stereo input in the FL Studio mixer


Hmm, not sure what you mean. If you mean the drop box within the mixer, the only options I have available are the physical inputs on my interface. Nothin shows up for Reason. Besides, no matter what you do in Reason, the outputs on the hardware interface will always be mono except one in two which is a stereo pair. I suppose I could also link the mixer tracks together, still a hassle though xD. Maybe there's a way to merge the tracks without havin to deal with all that. Guess I'll keep explorin...

Hmm, not sure what you mean. If you mean the drop box within the mixer, the only options I have available are the physical inputs on my interface. Nothin shows up for Reason. Besides, no matter what you do in Reason, the outputs on the hardware interface will always be mono except one in two which is a stereo pair. I suppose I could also link the mixer tracks together, still a hassle though xD. Maybe there's a way to merge the tracks without havin to deal with all that. Guess I'll keep explorin...

Wow, this is a lot simpler than I thought it would be.

Bypass the mixer. To do this:

Route each instrument (just one wire, not two for left and right) to a different output pair on the Audio I/O thing above the mixer. If you just do one wire, FL will spread it across the stereo. Then go into ReWired VST and check the "Multi Output Support" box. Untitled.png


I'm not sure if that was a smartass remark, but you're using 5, which apparently they fixed the problem. I'm still on 4 so I can do nothing about it right now, I'm not a dummy I knew what I was talkin about. Obviously though, there was a miscommunication in which versions of reason we had which made all the difference. Well I know what the problem is now and it's not me, it's Reason lol, so thanks again yall, no need for me to come back to this thread now xD.

P.S. If you do just one wire, it really isn't stereo, I've tried it with malstrom and thor already, it just takes one side and turns it stereo.

Double Edit: I'm not suuuree, but I think this might solve my problem,

Click, upon further investigation,it's not different than I what I did except this person doesn't use combinators, of course I can't figure it out now I'll have to try it when I get home.


Ok posting in this thing for the final time. I think I got the situation under control. The problem apparently stems from the incorrect usage of the spider audio merger/splitter with the combinator so now I'm just routing the device to the splitter, directly into the hardware with one wire, but this is what Nabeel has been tryin to say but I've been an idiot, thanks dude; still doesn't mean you should be an a-hole though =P.

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