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Reunion Netlabel is where you find free electronic music, released at a steady pace, with HQ music from many people

from this community, but also from the net label/demo scene/music scene in general. Check us out, OK!?

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Friday Fall-Through

Some files seem to hide themselves in the queue for ages. 2 Tracks that HAVE and never SHOULD have we release today.

* A really old Psyjuntan track!

* Ultraljud's latest submission!


I've always felt that Psyjuntan and Ultraljud have been responsible for the most experimental releases on Reunion over the years, with anything from vocal rich dub tracks to pounding edm.

So isn't it fitting that both "Chip-Boing" and "Bend" sees the light of day together? - marking the end of a turbulent era in the Reunion Release Queue.

Plato Satisfied and Out.

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