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Hello! I'm a beginner in composing my own music/making remixes. I prefer making epic symphonic remixes, which have the same melodies as the original songs, only with different drums, maybe my own vocals etc. I remind: I am a beginner, with no finished remixes.

I'm using old Casio WK 1600 keyboard and I have Acid Pro 7.0 software. I also have Yamaha YPT 400 keyboard, but I think Casio has better drums and piano sounds. Yamaha can be connected to my computer, I'm not so sure about Casio yet how to work with MIDI cables (please help me here too, if you know the answer).

So far I have used Casio's channels (11-16) to record different instruments and sounds separetly and then play the whole thing with SONG -button and all the recorder channels on. My first practices have been only about 30 seconds long.

I'm asking remixing tips with keyboards similiar to which I have and Acid Pro 7.0. Should I record one short sample (drums for example) at a time and transfer it to my computer and use Acid Pro to modify the sample, or should I record the whole songs different parts in channels and then transfer the whole piece to computer? I think it would be easier to create one short sample and mod it with Acid Pro, but I need some help with this programm.

I appreciate all the help I can get. Maybe when I'll finish my first remixes, I'll share them with you (if I manage to create anything at all). Sorry, if board about these keyboards+software already exists.


so you use your casio as your main midi keybord for Acid pro correct? and you use built in sounds of you keybord , and your assigning midi channels for each or your instruments yes?

post some WIP (work in progress) so we can better understand what you mean.

also you can find samples of mostly alot thing on the internet to put in your music when you get tired of your casios basic sounds, try loopmasters.com you can get loops in clean WAV. f

sign up for free music hosting in http://soundcloud.com/


Argh, ok, I'll upload as soon as I've bought NEW midi cable, turns out the one I have is too small for my Casio. Have to buy some kind of add-on or a new cable (I really hope they sell them in my local music store..). :)

Yes, Casio is my main keyboard and I assign one instrument in one channel, and use song -button to play them all together. But I'll get back to you tomorrow, if I can find new midi cable. Thank you for the links!

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