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Dear OCReMixers and whatnot!

The year 2010 was my first year as an active member of the OCR community. I had loads of fun remixing, I learned a lot, and I met a lot of nice and knowledgeable people. =D

I just wanted to say that I truly appreciate what this site has helped me achieve and all the effort put into this community by the people in charge and by lesser mortals (such as myself) who only hope to partake of their divine wisdom. I'll definitely be staying for many years to come!

I have a tradition of composing a song every December and sending it to my friends. I thought I'd share this year's song with you guys as well:

Archangel - Aurora Caelestis (Sožitje - Harmony)

Enjoy the music and have a wonderful year 2011!

Thanks for everything and srečno novo leto! =D


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