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Golden Sun Venus Lighthouse Theme: "Stranded on Dragon Roost"

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It is a bit rough, and it seems like it's missing something still, but that is quite good indeed.

One thing I notice is that you start off with this really neat acoustic guitar that then just... seems to disappear. Maybe bring it back around the 1.28 mark, once it seems to create a faux crescendo, of sorts, bring it in as a background instrument complementing the harp. Give it a test, see if it works.

The other thing I noticed is around the 3:26 mark. It lacks "punch", impact if you will. Like, you're going with this really melodic and calm music, that sort of dies down into a complete quiet (in a good way), then comes exploding back! But it's missing that impact, that punch of coming back stronger, if you know what I mean. Like, the idea I get in my head is of someone sitting in a beach, either actually dying or just falling asleep, or whatever in that mood.. Like, the whole world is going out... Then bam! Everything comes back stronger than ever! And it feels like it's missing that emphasis.

I'm not sure how you could help that impact though, but maybe pump up the drums a little more. Not in speed, in power. Get them resonating and filling the air, like the heart beat of the world to your music.

Some violins could probably go in like magic too (maybe cello?). If not through the whole music, just for that final part.

As a minor annotation, during the final flute part, there are two notes that seem to stand out too much (3:39... guessing 3:39:40-ish...just eyeballing). It's not a deal breaker at all, but if you could smooth those out, it would be even better.

That said, that's just my fairly amateur opinion on it. As it is it's very good and extremely relaxing, and I'm definitely downloading for some good relaxation time.

Good job.


This song is nice. Very relaxing. That being said, it needs a few tweeks and changes.

For one thing the sound of the flute is very high at points, perhaps a hi cut in the mixer will fix this?

The other thing which would make this nicer would be a more full sound, adding instruments which play in a low to mid range (E.G. a bass.).

Also, it might produce a neat effect to add some reverb and some ambient instruments, but I am not quite sure how that would come out (It would be interesting to try though).

So over all, I think this song is very nice and with a little work it can become even better.

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