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Hello. I'm somewhat new to recording real life sounds and have encountered an issue. I got a mic a little while back that is very good, but the problem is finding a device to record the sounds captured by the mic into. The only thing I have that can do that is my computer, and the problem with using my computer is twofold. 1 - My computer has a loud ass fan that can be heard durring the recordings. I can use my audio editing software to reduce this but lower frequency sounds are also cut. 2 - I can't record anything that isn't in the same room as my computer :( .

So, I'm looking for a non-expensive device that accepts the circular mic jack (the one that looks almost exactly the same as the headphone jack) and records it to some sort of writable media (preferably a cd). Really a simple request, the only other real caveat is that I want the sounds to be pretty high quality, in other words nothing that can only record sounds at a low sample rate. This seems like a pretty simple thing to find, but surprisingly I couldn't find anything that fits this description. So, I'm posting here in the hopes that someone more knowledgeable on the subject could fill me in or possibly recommend a better solution to the problem.


Is the mic plug a smaller one (1/8") or a larger one (1/4")?

A lot of portable recorders have some kind of line input -- you'd just need to match the jacks with the type of plug your mic has (and make sure the jack will accept mic-level input -- the write-up for the product should specifically say that it's a mic jack).

I don't have any particular recommendations, but for reference, this is the sort of device that I'm talking about: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/PalmTrack/


I'm referring to the small mic input jack, the one that appears on some computers.

Thanks for all the recommendations so far, looking into them. Despite that, don't be afraid to post if you've got something to add, because I'm still evaluating my options.

I bought this to use for my mobile setup recently. It's affordable and very easy to use. It should work for you just fine:


As far as fan noise goes, something like this might help:


Hey man you can try to get one of the many usb interfaces out there such as a m-audio fast track. And as far as your input goes, there are 1/4 converter jacks you can buy for extremely cheap

2point0sounds: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=1099395

The point is that he doesn't want to hook things up to the computer to record (noise/mobility issues). Both of these solutions require that he hook up to the computer.

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