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Reunion Netlabel is where you find free electronic music, released at a steady pace, with HQ music from many people

from this community, but also from the net label/demo scene/music scene in general. Check us out, OK!?

http://reuniverse.org (200+ FREE tracks!)


Oh yes, to prepare ourselves for the upcoming 180 release, here is part 2 of the deFusion & Saiko remember marathon. In 2004 Nick & Peter decided to call their project Plantbane and they had a track released on Subco under that pseudonym. That track, namely "The Last Ingredients" has now been re-released here on Reunion along side another, unreleased Plantbane track, called New Life!! - Be prepared for two really great, blood-pumping psy- tracks, from our "Easily Embarrassed" heroes!

PS. The site will undergo a small re-haul for 180, so It might take an extra week for the next release to get out. Stay Tuned!

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