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this is cool this is cool. I thought maybe you should change up the chords a bit but you switch things up quite a bit and it kept my interest. I'm not a huge fan of all of the sounds you're using. But that's alright really.

Keep making more originals, i look forward to seeing them.


I get a very "Tales of" vibe from this. Sounds like a forest from one of those games to me. This is a good thing.

That being said, I shall say a few things. The arp instrument that's used throughout (The sort of synthetic string thing) seems kind of weird to me when its playing on its own, but when the flutes and other instruments come in it seems to fit better, so I'm not so sure. It might be worth toning it down when the flute comes in also, so that the melody is clearer. I can discern the melody easily, but I feel like it should come through just a bit more.

I also like the delay on some of the drum parts, but I feel like it could be a bit more subtle.

Neat, very H Kikuta-ish!

Your production samples suffer a lot, makes your music sound cheap. If you're interested in breaking in the biz, you need to show you can go the whole 9 yards, that includes delivering top-quality production.

Thanks! and trust me..I know. but good samples = money. I plan on getting better ones in the future but this'll have to do for now. I can always do some swapping

Also, I took out the bell sound. it's much better:


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