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Mabinogi ReMixes?


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There are a few songs I'd like to see ReMixed from the MMORPG, Mabinogi. I'll do my best to list them below, plus a few notes.

1. Barri Dungeon Theme, AKA 'Hate' (on the OST.) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=19CKGYVA

-Very brooding sounding for me, I think it'd fit well with electric guitars and an overall low-and-growling sound to it (Best way I could describe it. :-| )

2. Albey Dungeon Theme AKA 'Unspeakable Evil (on the OST.) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NHJ2YRS9

-I feel like this one could be done with an orchestral sound to it, and give it a bit more of an ominous feel, possibly slow the tempo down a bit.

*The next few songs, I feel, could be mixed into a single remix, due to some similarities in the way they were composed. They don't have to be though.*

3. Nao Appears, AKA 'A Prayer for the Asleep' (on the OST) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MF4MA628

-Feels a lot like a prelude, contains bits of the other tracks below, and those tracks vice-versa.

4. Wish http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K616CA02

-Original version, without the 'Cutiepie' addendum. Might make a good standalone mix. Pieces of it can be heard in 'Nao Appears' and the tracks below.

5. I Wish - Cutiepie http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0CFJN6Z4

-Contains a bit heard in the above track, near the beginning. One of the tracks below segways into the end motif from this, establishing a possible basis for a bridge.

6. An Old Story From Grandma (Original Ver. + TransAge Mix) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y1AHIVD0

-Segways into a bit from 'I Wish - Cutiepie', before moving onto the TransAge Mix.

*Before you ask: This was, in fact, put together by the original composer. This theme has several versions and mixes, most appearing in the game at one point in time or another.*

7. Hold My Hand http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DIMOEPSK

- I feel it has a structure that would make it easy to mix it into 'I Wish - Cutiepie'.

8. An Old Story From Grandma (I might be hazarding a guess, but I believe it's the G1-Era version of the theme.) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SK38T01U

-Mostly here for comparison to the other version. Not entirely certain what genre this could be remixed into. A remix of this would be fun to see done, though.

Anyhow, That's about it. If anyone's interested, PM me, I have a few ideas, but no easy way to explain in detail about each of the above songs, not without a tl;dr-worthy post.

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