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Greetings strangers!

It has been a long time since we've last talked hasn't it^_^

This is Stephen Kennedy from Project Majestic Mix. I'm going to keep this short and sweet for the time being, and you can bet on some more news in the near future regarding music. However, for now I thought it important to let you all in on something.

In less than 24 hrs I will be personally getting to meet Nobuo Uematsu, the composer for the well known Final Fantasy series. I'm here in Chicago, IL for both concerts of the Final Fantasy concerts. Most people want to get Uematsu-sans autograph or a picture or a hug (personally, I'd like all three^_^) but I would like to have something to "give" him when I meet with him late Sunday night.

I personally have a lot to thank him for. He encouraged me to pursue music and my dreams, his music has gotten me through some tough times, he's made me laugh, and cry, rekindled old friendships, brought strangers together, I've gotten to know and meet an amazing number of talented individuals, I've gotten to be in touch with all of you, and I even met and married Jana Kennedy, the most awesome woman in the world...all through the music of this man named Nobuo Uematsu. (and this is just the tip of the iceburg)

What does this have to do with you? Glad you asked. In addition to thanking him for what he's done in "my" life, I also want to tell Uematsu-san how he has changed "your" lives. And so here are my questions for you:

How has Nobuo Uematsu and/or his music changed your life?

How has the music of Nobuo Uematsu influenced you? Any fond memories as a result?

What is something meaningful that Nobuo Uematsu and/or his music has done for you?

If this was/is the ONLY chance you had to tell Nobuo Uematsu what he's done for you, what would you tell him?

Pick one.

I know this is short notice, but I want all of your answers in my inbox by Sunday at 10am CST. I'll keep receiving them afterwards, and meet him that evening, but I can't guarantee he'll get anything past what I have at 10am due to my own schedule. I want to see them, and tell him. I'm going to try to consolidate and print them all out and give them to him.

Email me by Sunday @ 10AM Central Standard Time.


put UEMATSU-SAN as the subject.


Nice to see that you're still kicking around, PMM feels like it was ages ago, probably because it was! Enjoy Distant Worlds, I've been to a couple of them myself and it is probably the best experience a fan of final fantasy music can ever hope to have.


Stephen, long time no see!

After Majestic Mix closed down, I was sure you'd written off video game music for good. Does this mean we'll see more of you around? Oughta at least make it back to MAGFest again... and marvel at how it's changed over the years! :-D


Let me be clear about this. I've never had any plans to write off videogame music...or any other music for that matter. ^___^ I'm here for good, and you're going to start seeing more of me over the next year.

More on that later. *wink* I would love to go to next years Magfest!

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