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What gain setting on my audio card to use for guitar

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Yah what gain should i use on my sound card so i can just adjust the gain on a amp sim. its not like an amp when I only have one gain setting depending on the channel, but now theres 2 because there a gain setting on my interface and amp sim. any idea?

and im using peaveys amp sim and sometimes guitar rig (I quad track btw altho i dont think you guys need to know that XD)

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If you have solid converters and are recording/working in 24-bit, then you don't need to max out the input, in fact, you can and probably should leave about 6dB of headroom.

If you're recording in 16-bit, then get it as hot as possible without clipping, but in 24-bit, there's really no reason to get anywhere near risking clipping. You get so much more dynamic range, your signal to noise ratio is so much broader, that you don't need to walk the line, so to speak.

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If you have solid converters and are recording/working in 24-bit, then you don't need to max out the input, in fact, you can and probably should leave about 6dB of headroom.

If you're recording in 16-bit, then get it as hot as possible without clipping, but in 24-bit, there's really no reason to get anywhere near risking clipping. You get so much more dynamic range, your signal to noise ratio is so much broader, that you don't need to walk the line, so to speak.

I know all that, my dials on my interface are gunna come off so I cant tweak anything, I need to stick to one setting for awhile :P (cept the master vol gain, I never touch that).

and im avoiding to buy a new interface.

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