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I'm assuming the iPhone works because it's using wifi through your router, which tells me the router is fine. Verify that the router has DHCP enabled (most likely it is), and your computer is using DHCP to obtain an IP address from the router. Also check that the wifi settings on the computer match the router (SSID, security settings, etc.). Without knowing what your computer and OS are, I can't give you specific directions, but hopefully this will help a little.


Open command line and type "ping" to make sure nothing is wrong with the nic card, if it says received then it works. Try pinging something like www.google.com if the nic works to see if that replies. Can also try typing "ipconfig/flushdns" then "ipconfig/release" followed by "ipconfig/renew" and maybe see if that works. Also the most obvious thing, make sure the button that allows a wireless connection is set to on if you connect wirelessly, stupid I know but I've had people come up to me when it was that. =P

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