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Sup, party people?! So, a while back I was invited to be in a remix album for the iOS game "Herbert-the misanthropical fly" that my friend, Justin Lassen, composed for. It was just released a few days ago! BGC also did a remix for it, as well as a bunch of other awesome musicians! It's a free download, & it's pretty friggin nice! Get hype!

From the composer!

"I gave no rules, expectations, no guidelines, I let the artists do exactly what they wanted to do with each track! All of them sound so cool and collectively they are a fun mix of audible art for our brave little game! Thank you LXT, Jimmy Hinson, Iconcrash, Myc Wyse, Testube, Rich Curtis, DLP, LabRat for being apart of this release! Now everyone, download and enjoy! Curious what the original versions sounded like? That's still free too! Herbert has been a special project, and I couldn't be more proud of this group of artists for giving me their time, patience and hard work! Make both albums apart of your collection today! Free!" -Justin Lassen


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