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Listened to the DeDeDe track on the way to work today, and I don't know why, but it gave me this weird image for an alternate universe, a Planet Popstar ruined by war and sickness, ruled by a King driven mad from debilitating sickness. In his final moments, the king, whose motto is "DEath, DEstruction, DEcimation" has given him the title DeDeDe, is visited by his old nemesis, who has taken the now Karthou Plaguestarver. They fight, the king's body driven to power and strength by a need to finally defeat his old foe, despite his addled brain and ruined body, is felled for the final time and finally thanks Karthou for freeing him from his suffering in a moment of lucidity. As he fades, the king calls out to Karthou once more, using his old name... "Kirby... Thank you, my boy."

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