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Rhythm Heaven Fever [Wii] February 13! $29.99!

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Just wanted to point out that it's amazing how in a span of 4, maybe 5 months, one could go from not even being aware of this series' existence to completely obsessing the hell out of it in every possible way. It's definitely the series I've gotten the most out of ever, which is absurd given the short amount of time I've known about it.

I'd say Rhythm Heaven Fever is more than worth the full retail $30 honestly, let alone that $5 deal that had passed the other week. It's such a brilliant, fun, creative, charming, challenging game. It's so adorable. I can't get over how thorough everything is and how well everything is put together. $5 for this game is quite possibly the best deal in video game history...it's a shame my local Best Buy didn't have any copies in stock (I would've just bought 5 or 6 copies to give them out to friends, that's how highly I feel about this game).

How's everyone else enjoying the game?

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