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Image of an Underground City (Phantasy Star Online I&II Remix)


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Hey there everyone, my name is Trientia. I've browsed the website for a while but this is my first time posting anything on the forums.

Anyways, I typically like to mess around in FL Studio a lot during my free time, and decided that I should start learning how to use it seeing that I have it. This is my first time doing anything serious and I still don't know much about the software, but I was really pleased at the way this turned out. (But I am pretty sure there are a lot of things I could have done that I was not aware of.)

So to end off this wall of text, here is a link to the remix and I hope you enjoy it, and please tell me what you think and how I could improve it and such. Have a great day and thanks for listening.


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I'm not really familiar with the source(s) used, nor do I have much music experience but...

- It definitely takes too long to start. Generally by 30 seconds the main melody should already be started, but it should...probably take about 15 seconds of intro for that to happen.

- It sounds pretty, but it also sounds very flat and repetitive.

That's the best advice I can give...

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