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This was my first attempt at composing anything at all. I think it turned out decent considering that. As the name suggests, I was aiming for a cloudy, airy feel for the mix. It's pretty short at only 2:32, but I think I did a decent job making it evolve. I put this as finished, because I have the arangement done, and I don't think there's much I want to do with it. Critiques are welcome though. Enjoy!



Cool, very cheery and airy. You could breath some more life into the lead by incorporating some pitch bends on the attacks. You'd be surprised the difference it makes. The kick has a bit of strange distortion on it too.

I really like your Forest of Purple Mist track. It reminds me a lot of FFXI's Rolanberry Fields. Evokes that sort of green, naturey vibe.

Following you on Soundcloud now, keep it up.

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