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RECRUITING/GENERATING iNTEREST! Tears of the Moon: A Majora's Mask Extended Concept Album

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Tears of the Moon

A Majora's Mask Musical

Extended Concept Album

This is an extended concept album, intended to take the music from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and remix it into a musical-like format. This project is similar to "Nightmare Revisited," an album done by multiple artists, with different styles, based on the music from The Nightmare Before Christmas. The thing that ties all these songs together is the story from Majora's Mask translated into lyrics. The other great inspirations for our vision with this album are the rock operas “Broken Bride” by Ludo and “Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of War of The Worlds,” so please familiarize yourselves with a fair amount of these albums so you may understand just exactly what we’re trying to accomplish here (by “musical,” we don’t just want to slap lyrics on a few Zelda tunes, we want to make a grandiose and passionately moving vocal tribute with incredible vocal work throughout).


This first post is recruiting information and an overview of the project vision.

See SECOND POST for the Project track list (and current status of tracks) and Character Roles.

Since this is such a huge project, We've decided that we will combine many themes and significant plot points into medleys (rather than remixing individual source tunes for a 50+ track album). It's been pointed out by many gamers, critics, and reviewers alike that the different areas in Majora’s Mask represent the different stages of grief, so we would like to keep that theme alive within this project as the latter end tracks portray overcoming grief; Clock Town = Denial, Southern Swamp = Anger, Snow Head = Bargaining, Great Bay = Depression, Ikana Canyon = Acceptance.

The combining of themes is a way for us to address the major plot points of MM while hitting the most critical themes and songs. Therefore, we have a rough guideline of blueprints prepared for each of the medleys and we (The Director and Co-Directors) are willing to assist each arranger to insure that we're all on the same page.

However, we STRONGLY want to assert creative freedom with each arrangement; in no way, shape, or form are we going to inhibit the creative output of anybody, we just want to insure that all tracks are fit with the Theme. Likewise, if any prospective arrangers have a strong desire to arrange one specific source outside of the medley blueprints, we will gladly welcome that on a case-by-case scenario as long as said arrangement manages to capture the sensations of dealing with and overcoming grief (the overall feeling of Majora's Mask).

Section I - Project Team & Contributors

Section II - Project Theme & Structure

Section III - Blueprint Guidelines

Section IV - Character Parts

Section I - Project Team & Contributors



Lead Project Director - Dan Wanezek (MangaMan)

Co-Directors - JLawrence Kenny (Orangedragan) ; Jordan Etienne (Damashii!!)


*starting from scratch due to the project revamp. Send in your audtions, ladies and gentlemen!

Corey Manuel


*Auditions Open

Instrument Part Contributors (those who may not want to tackle a full arrangement, but assist in providing single instrument parts)

*see above






*see above

[if you have a skill that I have forgotten to list please tell me. Also, I'm still waiting to hear auditions from a number of people and if I've asked you to re-submit a new audition, please do so asap.

Project Deadlines

On Hold until January 2014. Check in then for update.

-**Note: The “Album Complete” date is completely tentative, and we’re not trying to complete this in line with any significant date of release or anniversary, we just believe that with enough enthusiasm this can be completed within the allocated time; if push comes to shove the dates will be adjusted so long as it is for reasons that increase and not diminish the final quality of this project. Any thoughts, questions, or concerns please PM MangaMan.

Audition Guidelines

Please PM me samples of your work or Email me at drwartist@yahoo.com.

Auditions are the best way for The Lead Project Director to get an idea of your skill and vocal range (in addition to finding the most appropriate part for you to contribute to)

1. Auditioning material must be clear, good, acceptable quality audio so it's easy to hear.

2. If you have multiple talents, I.E. you can play an instrument and sing, if possible please send examples of both separately; if you submit both examples on one audition track just make it clear to me that it is all your work, I.E. if you are the singer but the instrumentation was from a different source let me know.

3. Artists who are invited to the project by the project directors and/or arrangers are exempt from auditions. (We obviously know about their artist potential in that we felt compelled to invite them.)

4. Auditions DO NOT require live instruments. Arrangers, Producers and Remixers are also encouraged to audition (those of you who may not have singing talents, but are formidable in the production and arranging field). The same rules above still apply.

5. If you are a lyricist please say so.

6. If you e-mail your audition, you can send the material as an attachment.

Album Art

We are looking for talented artists to help create album art work for this special project!

The rules are simple:

1. Each artist will get to pick a scene or moment from the game to illustrate for the album. The artists are given free rein to use any style of their choice.

2. Contact me (MangaMan) and state the scene or moment that you would like to illustrate. I will then give the okay if no one else has taken that scene yet.

3. Submissions must be in PDF format.

4. The dimensions of the piece can be no less than 100 x 100 pixels if done digitally.

Scenes that have already been claimed:

>Stone Tower - Johaan Faust

>Musical Box House -Johaan Faust

>Deku Palace Scene - MangaMan

>Link falling through time after playing the Song of Time - Animanga21

>Pirate Bay(Finished) - Rachet777


Concerning the reasoning behind the 'Medley Approach' with the Blueprints

This project is to give vocalists, who don't usually have that many songs here on OC Remix, a chance to show their stuff and to pay tribute to one of the best and most memorable games within the Zelda series. Since we will be taking a medley approach for each track, please analyze and get a feel for the guidelines/structures below (post 2) which we've currently concluded to be most appropriate and effective for this album (these basic guidelines can be modified on a case-by-case scenario with approval from MangaMan, Orangedragan, and Damashii!!, but for the most part they are the blueprints we will be using).

*NOTE several themes are repeated or make some kind of reprise throughout (even back to back). This IS intentional on behalf of The Directors, and it will make much more sense as the entire project comes together.

For example, one of the most important recurring themes of this project is "Oath to Order," and this is because we envision each of the Giants to have a slightly varied take on this theme (ie., Swamp Giant could have a tribal version, Mountain could have a brass choir version, etc.), and towards the climactic part of the album The Four Giants come together as an epic Barbershop Quartet mixing of their different variations. The same logic applies to the different iterations of Song of Healing throughout.

However, some of the sources that are also used in Ocarina of Time should be used sparingly unless explicitly stated on a case-by-case scenario.

Songs with no 'blueprint description' are left open to interpretation of the arranger(s) as long as it flows smoothly with the area theme and narrative (ie., when Lulu gets her eggs back this should be a happier moment, so there's no need to have a melodramatic sad piece where it would be appropriate to be a little more optimistic sounding).

Edited by MangaMan
Posted (edited)

Section III - Blueprint Guideline [abbreviated]

**(full, in-depth description of goals will be discussed and explained in private amongst project members)

Song Theme Main Source(s)

Specific guidelines and preferences

Claimed (0% WIP)

25% WIP

50% WIP

75% WIP

99% song complete

100% Final WAV handed in




basically an 'Overture' feeling to open up the album, but more mysterious and slightly ominous






> HMSM reprise >
/Deku Palace Transition

basically, we'd like the latter end of this song to be a smooth transition leading into the more percussive Southern Swamp songs.






(*Swamp Giant awakens*) > *Something percussive* >

as mentioned earlier above, The Four Giants should have specialized themes in regards to the domain (leading up to the Barbershop Quartet epic rejoining), so try to give a distinct Southern Swamp flavored twist on this one.



this one should be dedicated to Darmani, so keep in mind that this arrangement should feel like a memorial tribute to the tragic loss of a great Goron Hero.


> Goron Village

this will be a very fun, imagery-filled arrangement. Imagine the listener walking up Snowhead mountain (ambient wind and crunching snow footstep sound effects throughout) and they're whistling and beatboxing the Goron Village theme; but then hilarity ensues when the Goron Elder's Son constantly interrupts by crying. So this could be a funny hip hop piece or just an interesting, humorous beat box song about trying to navigate through Snowhead whilst trying to lull the Goron baby to sleep.

3. Song of Healing > Oath to Order (*Mountain Awaken*) > Song of Healing

Absolutely must have fanfare horns in this one, and again, make This Giant's Awakening theme unique from the others

3.5 Romani Ranch interlude medley (

, etc.)

The initial idea was to make a bonus disc for songs like Romani Ranch that aren't exactly necessary to this album but are still integral to the game's story. Then we decided that it would be immensely interesting to do a 'Jeff Wayne's War of The Worlds' elaborate re-telling of the defense of Romani Ranch. So this certainly isn't your Grandmother's Romani Ranch type of remix.



> Song of Healing > *Ocean Tide or shore sfx ambiance face out*

Another imagery-filled piece; imagine Mikau groggily making his way to the beach to make his last words known to Link. He strums on his guitar and slowly one by one the other band members join in to build up to a huge, stadium rock ballad type jam of The Song of Healing (Think in the style of Ludo or Reistance-era MUSE).


> All Practice themes (medley)

Damashii!! decided it would be interesting (and refreshing, due to the nature of most of the album) to arrange this in the style of 'Get Set Go' in that it is despair filled lyrics talking about stresses of the band and The Moon's impending doom contrasted against the happy-go-lucky upbeat feel of the music.


> Oath to Order (*Ocean Giant Awakening*)

Ultimately up to the arranger, but it is imperative that the focus of this be about Lulu getting her voice back (as well as ending with the Ocean Giant awakening); and it probably isn't good to stray too far from bossa territory considering the nature of 'New Wave Bossa.'

V. Ikana Canyon


> Sonata of Awakening >
> (*link chimes in with Song of Healing, comically, on the Ocarina, but it doesn't work, so Sharp’s Curse comes back in) >
> Farewell to Gibdos [Music Box House]

EXTREMELY imagery-laden and cinematic. The central source should be Music Box House, but make sure to give this arrangement a shrill contrast between the dainty music box and trying to survive against the swarming of Gibdos.

2. Sonata of Awakening [intro] >

[Verse] >
[chorus 1] > elegy [v2] > Stone Tower inverted [chorus 2] > Oath to Order (*Canyon Giant Awaken*) [bridge and/or outro?] > chorus again (up to interpretation)>

again, up to the arranger, but this would work well in the song structure of a standard pop song, but instead mixed with lots of dark, experimental elements.

VI. Calling the Four Giants


> Oath To Order

And at last, here is the big gathering of the Four Giants Barbershop Quartet. This will be similar to the Mikau Song of Healing arrangement, but on a much larger scale. Just like in coming-of-age films when everything the protagonist learned previously is brought back for the final test, this song will feature the inhabitants of each area coming in slowly with their instruments (The Deku Horns, The Goron Drums, The Zora Guitar, The Gibdos eerie synths, etc.). Will most likely be a large-scale collab between many project members, but just understand that this will be one of the most complex songs of the entire project since it brings back so many of the previous musical ideas in order to launch the story towards the climax.


> Astral Observatory (Reprise)

Doesn't need to be as long or as complex as the previous track. This is primarily a transition song leading into the final showdown, so think of something along the lines of Yanni's 'Acroyali/Standing in Motion.'

V. Final Battle/ Climax/ Ending

1. Majora’s Theme Reprise/

Starts out very calm and serene, yet immensely surreal, twisted, and eerily ambient. For space reasons, we cannot fully describe the complexity of this song's vision, so pm Mangaman ASAP if you are keen with dark, organic yet playful tracks. The mood for this piece should be very similar to 'Kakurenbo' in that Majora is treating this as a morbidly absurd game, but he becomes increasingly angrier and angrier as the piece progresses.



Mostly an extension of the previous song idea, however this one should be much more cinematic since the battle is intensifying.

3. Song of Time/Healing medley >

> Clocktown Day 1

As with the first track which serves as an 'overture' of sorts, this would serve very nicely if the arranger(s) utilizes the idea of bookends, hence the re-appearance of 'Clocktown Day 1.' Above all, this piece should make it evident that the 5 stages of grief have been dealt with and successfully overcome.

*. SPECIAL (Individual Sources or Medleys outside of the Blueprints that a remixer specifically wants to arrange [and has gained Director approval for])

1. Solo piano piece medley - MeMark2



GREEN-What is claimed

BLUE-Interest has been made, so audition ASAP!

BLACK-What is NOT claimed


SKULL KID/Majora- Can be played by a man or woman. Higher ranged vocals with enough flexibility is a huge plus.

HAPPY MASK SALESMAN-DAMASHII!!-Sly and cheerful voice with a flare for the dramatic.

TATL- Tom-boy. Alto/soprano is acceptable

TAEL-Shy and soft spoken

ANJU- Soprano, homely or motherly tone to voice.

KAFEI-Chris Narvali Baritone/tenor, can have child like or more adult like tone to his voice.

MUTOH- Bass or baritone, gruff and harsh voice

CAPTAIN VISCEN- tenor, strong and convident voice

MAYOR DOTOUR- flabbergasted and uncertain, very meek voice.

GORMAN- loud and bombastic, with a bit of a nassaly voice

MIKAU- Tenor, a bit of a California accent is acceptable, wild and energetic voice.

DARMANI III- Bass, strong, but weary voice from all his years being the hero of the Gorons

ROMANI- Soprano, southern drawl and a child like voice, not looking for Hannah Montana

CREMIA- Alto, sweet tones with a little southern drawl.

SINGLE-SCENE ROLES (subject to change according to Project Director and/or arrangers’ discretion)


KING IGOS DU IKANA- Operatic, bass




TOTO- Baritone



ANJU'S MOTHER- Contralto













SHARP- Operatic tenor

FLAT- Operatic Baritone




THE FOUR GIANTS- Barbershop Quartet


SAKON- tenor


TINGLE- Ridiculous






Recruiting will continue until the end of October (though anyone is welcomed to join at any time afterwards) and then the production starts. I know there is still a lot of detail that I need to fill in and I will once the time permits me. Any questions, please ask!

Edited by Orangedragan

I absolutely love barber shop and used to sing it a bunch, so I'd love to do something with the Four Giants, though I don't have any samples of myself recorded at the moment. This is a pretty neat idea though so I'm interested to see how it shapes up. If I can get some recordings of myself in the near future I'll definitely try out for something.


Woo, this is huge! But it could be really awesome. I definitely want to do some stuff for this since Majora's Mask is my favorite game of the series. I'm not 100% sure what part I want yet (there's so many...), but since you've heard my voice before, you might have something in mind. I just know I want to be a part of this!


i'll have links coming soon for vocals, and i and a friend have already started something with the deku palace theme, so i'd kinda like some dibs on that. as for link's voice, i vote silent protagonist, in keeping with zelda tradition, but i think if we have tatl constantly buzzing around his head talking to him, we could use musical phrases to convey his gestured responses. and as for a title, definitely something involving the moon. probably to the effect of of "tears of the moon." thoughts?

i'll have links coming soon for vocals, and i and a friend have already started something with the deku palace theme, so i'd kinda like some dibs on that. as for link's voice, i vote silent protagonist, in keeping with zelda tradition, but i think if we have tatl constantly buzzing around his head talking to him, we could use musical phrases to convey his gestured responses. and as for a title, definitely something involving the moon. probably to the effect of of "tears of the moon." thoughts?

Excellent! Show me what you have with the Deku Palace theme when you feel you have it together.


i'm interested in skull kid. i'm a post-pubescent tenor, so i can get up to some relatively high notes for a guy... will there be an audition process? also, i reccommend reserving some of your rights, as director, to shift parts based on your discretion, but not after a certain point

Excellent! Show me what you have with the Deku Palace theme when you feel you have it together.

will do! we needed a kick in the pants like this. also, i'm not sure if i already did this, but i suggest the title "tears of the moon"

sorry if i already have, but i don't wanna miss that opportunity xD

Posted (edited)

As of now the two Title idea's that were suggested are:



If anyone else has any other ideas please list them and we'll vote on the title for this project.

Also, in case I didn't bring this up before, this thread is for Recruiting and there for this is also the auditions thread. Any part you are interested in playing please let me know and send me an example of your work. And if you have any questions regarding a part, ask me and I'll try to fill in the blanks.

Edited by MangaMan
oh! and for the different forms of link, we can have different orchestral sections or genres! but that might already be somewheres in the fine print. if so, don't mind me

I definitely like that idea for Link! For each of his different forms, perhaps there signature instruments could play the part of "speaking" for him.

I definitely like that idea for Link! For each of his different forms, perhaps there signature instruments could play the part of "speaking" for him.

i also had the same thought about ikana being a sort of opera area. it has that wide-open feel to it, and i think the tracks would lend themselves nicely to that sort of vocals.

a question. in the final act, when all hell's breaking loose over termina, does that mean that each style of music (rock, opera, orchestral, etc) will be competing? that could lend a great deal of chaos to the experience.

also, my 13-year-old sister might be up to playing pamela, romani, or one of the younger roles, though i have yet to ask her. i'll letcha know

i also had the same thought about ikana being a sort of opera area. it has that wide-open feel to it, and i think the tracks would lend themselves nicely to that sort of vocals.

a question. in the final act, when all hell's breaking loose over termina, does that mean that each style of music (rock, opera, orchestral, etc) will be competing? that could lend a great deal of chaos to the experience.

also, my 13-year-old sister might be up to playing pamela, romani, or one of the younger roles, though i have yet to ask her. i'll letcha know

The final act is gonna be a big Medley of a few of the songs pervious I want to work closely with the composers on this one cause I want to make sure that the track complement each other. Though at the very end of the medley, it can all rise to a chaotic crescendo, with the different styles competing with one other in a desperate cry! And then just as the music reaches it's peak...silence. Slowly the "Last Day" music begins to rise from the turmoil. A choir will sing the melody with a soft Oooo. All of this will lead up to the final confrontation with the Skull Kid and Majora.


Since this project is still in it's infant stage, I would like to propose a kind of group discussion. I feel the identity of this project is still unknown and would like everyones input on this and many other topics of this project. For those that have skype, we can verbally discuss the project over there and for those that do not we have the forums here. If there is a time when people are free, let me know and we'll try to set a time for the discussion. Now I know that it will be impossible for everyone to be apart of the discussion at the same time (everyone is busy, I know). But even if it is for a short while, I'd like to hear everyones ideas.

Now then on to the first topic:

Since this is such a big project, I would like to discuss on idea's on how to either shorten it or how to tackle it. Should we all focus on one part at a time? Different people have expressed interest in different parts and I don't want to force people to work on a part that they can't get into.

Multipul roles for one person.

Since there are a lot of singing parts, I thought it would be a good idea for people to take more than one part. It may be too soon to decide this, however, since this project is at such an early state and more people might express interest. Which leads me to my final topic for this post:

Gather interest for the project.

Many of you might remember that a while back I made a previous post for gaining interest in this project. Where that did indeed gather all of you people here, I still feel we need more people on board for this project. Most importantly: composers! We have a lot of talented singers ( and some can even compose as well) but It wouldn't hurt to have a few more. So if you guys and gals can go around and tell your friends (like ones on OC Remix) about this project that would be really helpful.

That is all for now. I currently got a copy of Majora's Mask and I'm replaying it in preparation for this project. It wouldn't be a bad idea to brush up on your Termina lore either ;)

Tell me what you guys all think.


Tears of the Moon sounds best; Darkside of the Moon just reminds me of that Mulan song.

Man, this sounds great. I am not sure if I can do only one voice or many, but I'd love to do many voices if I could, both male and female. Suppose I should PM. I would take interest in doing some music, but eh, I'm already involved in some projects. Still might consider some small involvement, but I don't know.

Since this project is still in it's infant stage, I would like to propose a kind of group discussion. I feel the identity of this project is still unknown and would like everyones input on this and many other topics of this project. For those that have skype, we can verbally discuss the project over there and for those that do not we have the forums here. If there is a time when people are free, let me know and we'll try to set a time for the discussion. Now I know that it will be impossible for everyone to be apart of the discussion at the same time (everyone is busy, I know). But even if it is for a short while, I'd like to hear everyones ideas.

i do have a skype, and i'm free pretty much every day after 5:30, except mondays.

it has also come to my attention that "the dark side of the moon" is a copyrighted pink floyd album, so that may cause some problems...

i do have a skype, and i'm free pretty much every day after 5:30, except mondays.

it has also come to my attention that "the dark side of the moon" is a copyrighted pink floyd album, so that may cause some problems...

Well if no body has any other title idea's, then I guess we'll call this project TEARS OF THE MOON. Can you give me your skype name so that I can find you?

Tears of the Moon sounds best; Darkside of the Moon just reminds me of that Mulan song.

Man, this sounds great. I am not sure if I can do only one voice or many, but I'd love to do many voices if I could, both male and female. Suppose I should PM. I would take interest in doing some music, but eh, I'm already involved in some projects. Still might consider some small involvement, but I don't know.

Both male AND female? Well if you think your that talented then go right ahead and try out! Send me a PM with example of your work, then we'll work from there. I look forward to working with you, even if you can only help a little.

Well if no body has any other title idea's, then I guess we'll call this project TEARS OF THE MOON. Can you give me your skype name so that I can find you?

my skype name should be malachampion, though i have no promises that that's accurate.

I've begun work on a perspective album cover and signature image, but i need to wait for permission to use an image. i'll keep you posted on that.

Posted (edited)

I added you on Skype, MangaMan.

What makes it funnier is, I have a low voice, possibly bass (or just baritone), but I have range. I speak with a soft, sultry tone, so I don't really have a male bias apart from tonal depth. Unless you piss me off crazily.

Even funnier, the women on my Dad's side have a common voice type, some even baritone, or bass if I'm not shitting myself. Yet most of the men have higher dudeish voices. A select few men have extremely rough, profundo bass voices like my dad.

Edited by Salluz
I added you on Skype, MangaMan.

What makes it funnier is, I have a low voice, possibly bass (or just baritone), but I have range. I speak with a soft, sultry tone, so I don't really have a male bias apart from tonal depth. Unless you piss me off crazily.

Even funnier, the women on my Dad's side have a common voice type, some even baritone, or bass if I'm not shitting myself. Yet most of the men have higher dudeish voices. A select few men have extremely rough, profundo bass voices like my dad.

Ah, so you have a whole group of people? That's very good, I can't wait to hear an example.


I was going over the title suggestion: TEARS OF THE MOON and was thinking maybe a re-wording of it. Like: LUNAR TEARS. I don't know, I like the title, I just think that...I don't know something just seems off about the wording. If people disagree then I'll shut up. I'm fine with the title, I just was hoping that there would be more title ideas.

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