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I suppose this is the most appropriate place for this, since it's technically recruiting and there's no dedicated spot for this kind of request. It's not a game cover I'm after, but I am after a chiptune song. I'm a tango dancer, and my friend and I are hosting a practice event a few times this month. She and I want it to have video game themes. In addition to our classic and alternative tango music, we're slipping in some under-the-radar game additions, like Tomohito Nishiura's Professor Layton themes (PERFECT for tango! Gotta love that accordion), and some NieR songs (I adore waltz-ey timing for tango). Songs most people wouldn't expect to be from a game because it's just damn good music. For the final song however, we want a signature exit. We want to play some classic/common tango songs most of the people in that crowd would know, but we want it in Chiptune form. A real in-your-face game theme to something they already love! And I'd like to commission someone to make it, since I haven't developed the skill myself. The intersection of video game-players and tango dancers isn't significant, so this sort of thing doesn't pop up often.

I'm of course willing to pay you for your valuable time and services, but I'd like to know what interested parties will charge. If your per-song rates are very reasonable, this will NOT be a one-off. There's lots of wonderful tango music that could do with a charming 8-bit cover. :wink: Tango music generally ranges 2-4 minutes, 3 being the average.

Thanks! If you have any of your work on the site, or even on personal sites, let me know so I can give it a listen!


Dancers seeking music and chiptune at that is a wonderful thing to read : ) good job on the initiative.

I will not give you much spiel but just give you links to where you can find music and more information if you so seek it:

There's a whole host of things there musically but my main focus (though of course i'm wide open to absolutely anything) is chip/electronic or orchestral pieces grounded in jazz harmonies & groovin' complex rhythms!



P.S. do you ever dance to Astor Piazzolla? He's a bit of an idol of mine!

p.p.s my rates are super reasonable, you can e-mail me at calum111@hotmail(dot)com to discuss that further. : )


Sometimes. Only certain songs. Piazzolla actually has a reputation for being pretty difficult to dance to due to the complexity and the sheer length of some of his compositions. 5+ minute songs aren't great for social dancing (I should mention it's Argentine Tango, and so very casual, not Ballroom). Our university's tango teacher is ranked #2 in the US right now, and she HATES dancing to Piazzolla. I like listening to some of the compositions though. I'll take a look at your stuff soon and contact you.

Anyone else is still welcome to throw their hat in the ring. Nothing wrong with options. ;-)

So...are you asking for covers in the style of chiptunes, or original songs? You mention both, but you say you want a video game song for the final piece, but nowadays not all chiptunes are video game music, just as not all video game music is chiptunes. I'd just like to clear up some confusion.

Well, your average person associates chiptune sounds with video games, which is why I said that. It's for effect. But I'm hoping for covers of certain popular tango songs in chiptune style.

Well, your average person associates chiptune sounds with video games, which is why I said that. It's for effect. But I'm hoping for covers of certain popular tango songs in chiptune style.

Gotcha! Well, recently over in the Sonic Zone Remix Competition, I made a chiptune track: http://soundcloud.com/xenon-odyssey/unda-presh-shah

It might not have the glamour of tunes that just use a chiptune aesthetic with modern instruments/production, but it's a 'true' chiptune, meaning that it can be played on the original hardware. I'm not sure if that's something you are looking for or not; there's a lot of layers to what the whole chiptune sound means!

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