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Soul Calibur II: Character Select Screen Music


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Hello everyone, i've just recently started making video game music remixes a few months ago and i've been looking for a way to get more feedback on my creations.

I found ocremix and I think this site can provide me with that.

That being said, I present you a remix of the Soul Calibur II: Character Select screen music.

I read the guidelines before posting which gave a link to host mp3 files, but I just recieved an error trying to go to the website. Which is why all I have at the moment is a YouTube link.

Please click on HD for best sound.

I hope to become a regular member contributing to this community ^__^

Remix: http://youtu.be/-cJsdQHuvmk?hd=1


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First off, welcome to OCR! I like to see new faces.

This is a descent start, but you really should use an mp3 host. I'm not sure which issues are the mixing, or from YouTube. Try using Soundcloud or Tindeck, I've never had a problem with either of those.

For now, I'll say that your remix is too repetitive. It's essentially the one section looped several times with little to no changes, it should definitely have some more variation. The drums are weak and bland (or "vanilla"), they need more power and the patterns should be changed up more.

As for the source usage, I don't recognize it in your remix, at least to my ears. Generally, the judges want about 50% of the source to be recognizable in the remix.

I'll go into more detail about what I think are mixing issues, assuming it's not YouTube, once you find an mp3 host.

I hope my feedback so far is helpful, and doesn't discourage you. Keep at it! :-)

EDIT: By the way, what software did you use to make your remix?

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First off, welcome to OCR! I like to see new faces.

This is a descent start, but you really should use an mp3 host. I'm not sure which issues are the mixing, or from YouTube. Try using Soundcloud or Tindeck, I've never had a problem with either of those.

For now, I'll say that your remix is too repetitive. It's essentially the one section looped several times with little to no changes, it should definitely have some more variation. The drums are weak and bland (or "vanilla"), they need more power and the patterns should be changed up more.

As for the source usage, I don't recognize it in your remix, at least to my ears. Generally, the judges want about 50% of the source to be recognizable in the remix.

I'll go into more detail about what I think are mixing issues, assuming it's not YouTube, once you find an mp3 host.

I hope my feedback so far is helpful, and doesn't discourage you. Keep at it! :-)

EDIT: By the way, what software did you use to make your remix?

Thanks for the feedback!

As always I'm going to keep listening and learning more. I defintely see what u mean about the drums. I tend to lean toward making a beat that can be rapped on because of my love of rap instrumentals. But i must break the habit lol.

As for the sound from the original source, I think because I brought the background sounds to the forefront from the source, and took forefront sounds from the source to the background in my version is why it may be hard to hear the original source. I

I am currently using the Demo version of FL Studio 10

I'm just now getting the grasp of the different tools they give you.

I think i've heard of soundcloud so im going to look into that.

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I also use FL Studio 10, the retail version. Let me know if you have any trouble with it, I might be able to help. Also, for remixing in general, I recommend checking out the guide in this thread. It helped me get started, and still helps me now.

Yeah, check out Soundcloud, it's free and easy to setup, and easy to use.

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As for the sound from the original source, I think because I brought the background sounds to the forefront from the source, and took forefront sounds from the source to the background in my version is why it may be hard to hear the original source.

wasn't hard for me, i could hear it.

That transition at 0:38 sounds a little bit empty.

well, I don't have much more to say. Like cash and change said, it needs more variation.

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You're right, the source is there, just no very prominent. I don't think it's as prominent as it should be, at least for OCR standards. Then again that's just my opinion, someone who has been here longer and has more experience might say otherwise.

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