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That was sick man! I love how you kept the SNES-y feel. Especially in the beginning before the rest of the instruments came in. I feel like the drums are kind of low compared to the "orchestral drums" (or percussion), but I really liked it.


Thanks, I'm glad you like it! It was fun to make.

The drums' tone is pretty low. You think a higher, more natural sounding pitch would work better? I was going for "big impact" (which is something I've experimented with very little) with those, maybe they have too much now. :<

Right off the top of my head I think the next parts I'll be focusing on is getting a deeper, fuller sound to accompany the NES theme's section toward the end, and I'll work with the low drums a little. If you noticed them then they must be distracting on some level. Good thing to know!


NIce job! I agree with spi.der.man that this song does have a SNES-like feel, which is a good thing. Also great is that there are several variations in the tune, and it never sounds like you are repeating anything. Many remixes suffer from a lack of material, where the artist repeats the same theme with different instruments to take up time. The song itself is also a good choice for remixing.

On the other hand, I think that the instrument used for the melody line should be changed, and that is especially apparent towards the end. If you're going entirely for a SNES feel, then it sounds too much like a keyboard synthesizer and should be replaced with something closer to chiptunes. If you are going for an orchestral feel, then replace it with a sample (or a better sample) or a stringed instrument like a violin.

All in all, it will be interesting to hear how this one turns out!

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