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I know there's a lot of chiptune and 9bit fans here, so give heed of what I'm 'bout to say!

Jesse Bishop is an awesome musician and generally cool guy who made a soundtrack for "Aeternum" on XBL Indie Games and coming to PC.

You can check out the soundtrack at this link.


I'm really enjoying it! I think my favorites might have to be The Shy Machinist and Aspirations of the Hapless Buccaneer. The Aeternum OST is full of adrenaline pumping themes that sound fitting for a bullet hell shooter. The quality of the music inspires you to hear it in the context of the game which makes you anticipate the game's release on PC that much more. It's supposed to be out Winter 2012 for Xbox Indie and sometime thereafter for PC.


I love bullet hell games, there's just not a lot of good ones out there that you often hear about. I think this will be a good one that will be worth checking out. Apart from the gameplay, the soundtrack is also killer. So give it a listen and hopefully you enjoy it. Thank you!


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