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It's bin a while, But I finally decided I should work on another project, Instead of just testing an messing around. I'v learned a bit since last time, So hopefully it goes a bit better. This time, I'm going to try and get it done on my own though, To help advance my skills.

Figured a decent track to pick for a project would be one that wasn't too long, But long enough to alter it a bit from the original. Enough for now anyway. Palmtree Panic was one of the tracks I have bin screwing around with since last time, and it seemed like a decent enough track to go with.

Here it is:


I thought a more direct theme would be better to help work on certain skills at a time. Instead of a mixed, It's just Metal. I'm not really used to this new plugin I got, So the guitars may sound a bit off. All I can say for sure is that it sounds better then FL Slayer.

Let me know what you think. Any advise and critique is welcome.

Thanks for taking the time to read and listen. Now, Before I start rambling like usual, I better go.

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