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Brandon Strader

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I never had anyone to talk to about Spartacus (arguably one of the best shows on TV, until the series finale soon :cry:) so I decided to make a thread. Now that it's pretty much over.

Try to keep spoilers to a minimum, or use the white text thing to hide spoilers..

But yes, EASILY a top 5 TV of the last decade IMO, everyone needs to see this show. It's better than Game of Thrones. It's better than a lot of things. The original actor who played Spartacus in season 1 died of cancer, and it was really sad. :cry: The guy who took over for him ended up being really incredible too, but the original Spartacus was irreplaceable. R.I.P. Andy Whitfield

Anyway this show would probably be a hard-R or NC-17 if it went through the MPAA for movie ratings, instead it is a TV show. It's really gory, has nudity (including the knob) but generally the story, characters, acting, sets and atmosphere are all top notch. Not sure what else to say, let's discuss the sad end of the series and remember the good times eh? :-P


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