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Columns - Webern's Columns


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original tune:

To be fair this is actually a composition that's maybe a month or two old as of right now. I already submitted it, but being that it's my first remix I dunno if it'll remotely get through the judging (I hope it's okay that I put this here even though it's already submitted). I think it would be good to get some feedback, whether from the judges panel or other remixers.

The whole piece is sort of a litmus test. It's the theme stated with development and then a restatement of the theme. I really wrote it and submitted it just to see the compositional standards (i.e. how little vs how much of the theme can be used, how much original material that isn't part of the original tune can be used, etc.).

Also when it comes to the mixing I'm not really sure if it's up to standards or not, so feedback on that would be great too. It's the first time I've actually exported pieces from Sibelius for listening as opposed to just handing out a score.

Many thanks in advance for any feedback.

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The material sounds like the source to me! FWIW I thought the source had some icky moments, where there was a background melody that was at times kind of aimless and seemed to not support the rest of the writing. I didn't hear that in this arrangement, which is a plus. (: The harmonies.. harmonic progression.. whatever.. is a bit unusual, but I didn't hear it in a bad way.

Production-wise, the loud bits are really, really loud. It also sounds very dry, not like instruments played in the same room. I suppose the "playing" of the instruments sounds quite mechanical too. I've never arranged orchestral stuff, so I can't really give any insights what to do.

Despite these criticisms, I quite enjoyed listening to your arrangement! I've played Columns on a Master System and recall liking the music. Frankly I personally like the MS version of the source better than the Genesis version. (:


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Harmonically... yeah, it's sort of all over. Non-functional harmony has been something I've always preferred and even though I've had to write a lot in standard progressions I've always liked the accompaniment to be free so it colors the melody better. I've had music teachers who've hated me for that (one looked at one of my jazz heads and told me it was musically incorrect and refused to look at the rest of my work).

When it comes to the loud sections I'd need to check out the score because I'm pretty sure they're just ffs and they just make the tuttis overbearing.

I'll just guess the instruments part is just due to it being virtual. Garritan is really great, but it's still just a bunch of separate samples, so it'll always sound sort of mechanical.

Thanks so much for the reply!

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