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Hi Everyone,

The Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra, based in Rockville, Maryland, is looking for musicians! The WMGSO is the first ever community level ensemble dedicated exclusively to video game music. It was founded earlier this year by the same people who originally founded the University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra.

If you play an instrument or sing, we'd love to have you aboard! Right now we have openings for almost every instrument but have a particular need for trumpets, strings, and singers (especially male singers). Rehearsals are Thursday evenings in Rockville from 7pm to 9pm. If you're interested, head over to our signup page at http://wmgso.org/index.php/join-the-wmgso . That page also has a number of FAQs about how auditions work, cost, and so forth.

For those of you who aren't interested in joining but would like to be informed about the ensemble and our performances, bookmark our website! http://wmgso.org/ Additionally, you can follow us on Facebook (facebook.com/metrogso) and Twitter (twitter.com/wmgso).

Thanks for reading, and hopefully we'll see some of you at rehearsal soon!


As a clarinet and sax player, I was really interested in this until I saw the bit about being charged $60/year to rehearse with no concert schedule to speak of yet (except the caveat of two per year). I love playing, and I love video game music, but getting charged to drive to Rockville once a week with nothing to show for it is a lot to ask musicians. All the community band/orchestras I've ever been in derive their funds from the community supporting them, not the artists who are already volunteering their time and talent to make the community better. I might consider submitting an arrangement, though.

Gripes aside, best of luck with the group. I hope to catch a concert.


Our first concert will be next Spring, most likely in late May but the exact date has yet to be determined. I can understand why having to pay dues to join would be upsetting. Ideally, we should be able to support ourselves with community donations and that is the eventual plan. Unfortunately, for a newly starting group our funds our limited so this is how we sustain ourselves and enable us to afford practice space and the necessary equipment.

I do appreciate the support, though! We'll undoubtedly make an announcement here on the forums when we have a set date and location for our first concert.

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