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Spirit Tracks Overworld!


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I just recently bought a USB microphone and can finally FINALLY play all my instruments together! I plan on doing a bunch of similar songs from different games, and hope to submit at least one of them and try and get it on the site (I'm working on a Stickerbrush Symphony as well).

Anyway, In this track I'm playing guitar, ukulele, ocarina, my bamboo flute (that I made myself!), high and low Irish penny whistles, as well as bodhran and a cheap bean-filled practice pad from when I was in the 6th grade hahaha. I'm probably adding a trashy sounding tambourine once I find one, or at least some shakers of some sort.

I do plan on doing more arranging of course, and it will definitely sound more clean and more interesting once I can sit down, write some things out, practice, etc. But for now I'm just posting the very first recording just to throw out the instrumentation for some basic feedback/suggestions. I haven't done much with effects/mixing, since I'm just using audacity and really don't have a clue how to work most of the features.

http://picosong.com/YxU4 -----my track

http://youtu.be/5W_bFLwB0WY ----source

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The instrumentation is very cool. A bass instrument wouldn't hurt. Mixing wise, I know it's a rough take but the ukulele and especially the bassy percussion thing are much louder and all the flutes and stuff you'd really like to hear are way there in the background.

Looking forward to hearing updates!


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thanks evktalo. I sometimes overcompensate in my head for the melody, or the parts I'm focused on and can't tell how it sounds sometimes, And that;s why this forum is awesome! I see what you mean about the whistles. As for a bass instrument, I will be living with an upright bass starting next month that I have some ideas for haha

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