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Not sure exactly how to define the genre yet, not important right now!

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I couldn't remember how to embed soundcloud player or if it was possible.

This is my first time really using these types of orchestra sounds - I came to this forum specifically because of the expertise in the area.

Taking all tips/feedback with a grain of salt! Thank you!


Hey there! I like this. Though there's this really high pitched noise that keeps coming back several times; one of the places it's really noticeable is at 0:59, for example. I felt kinda like my ears were being stabbed. :shock:

Strings sustains that come in at 1:17 don't sound natural to my ears and also seem fairly mechanical in their performance. Dynamics are completely flat, and could use some natural swelling and breathing. Also, if your string library has vibrato control, they could benefit from sculpting the vibrato intensity/rate, since the vibrato that is there noticeably stays the same for each sustain, though that's not nearly as important as the dynamics IMO. Writing-wise, the strings are mostly moving in whole note chords, and I got kind of a little bored. even for an ambient piece. I think mixing it up by introducing some 1/4 note violin arpeggios could add some nice harmonic texture.

The quasi-tribal beat beginning at 1:56 is pretty cool, but I feel like it goes on just a little too long without enough change. Maybe some of that ethnic flute doing overblown shakuhachi-like breaths could be cool (if you're able?) Or maybe a little chromatic percussion in the last 4 bars of that section, as it's pretty bass-to-mid heavy and I think it could use more treble. Just an opinion though. I also like the contemporary beat at 2:36.

Nice work so far!

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