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I've started planning out my work times to be more productive and increase my creative speed. For this track, I set the instrumentation and wrote a little less than the first half in a couple hours one night, and then finished it up in a few hours last night.

It started off like a ship select theme for a shoot 'em up game, but now I can't decide if that would be more fitting or if it'd work better as game over/high score input music. Not that it matters, this isn't being used for anything in particular, it was just a scribble that I forced myself to finish to jumpstart my output after a couple nights of being unproductive.

All thoughts/criticisms welcomed :)

Go Get 'Em, Ace!

Posted (edited)

Reminds me of a character select theme or something, from Gunstar Heroes (Stage 1, specifically) by the non-drums instrumentation and the melody. Just IMO though, I don't think the snare fits the mood (heavier than expected). Otherwise, I think this sounds great. :)

Edited by timaeus222
Reminds me of a character select theme or something, from Gunstar Heroes (Stage 1, specifically) by the non-drums instrumentation and the melody. Just IMO though, I don't think the snare fits the mood (heavier than expected). Otherwise, I think this sounds great. :)

Haha, hopefully that's a compliment, there's a lot of music in GSH I'm not a huge fan of :P Thanks dude

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