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We're all familiar with crossovers. Marvel vs. Capcom, Street Fighter X Tekken, and the (not as good as it could've been) X-Men vs. Avengers Crossover Comics name just a few.


Then you have "When Worlds Collide! Sonic X Mega Man"; this comic actually was a twelve-part full-on story; not one of those crossovers you think of in Elementary School while munching on a PB&J.


I always thought it'd be pretty cool if the scientists "Dr. Wily", "Dr. Robotnik", "Dr. Cortex", and (the only NOT-scientist, but stoic and mysterious) "(Mr.) Dark" (from the original "Rayman" game) banded together in a plot across dimensions to destroy all of them and rebuild whatever was left. 


Of course it'd be an excuse to have Crash Bandicoot and Rayman (as well as Sonic and Mega Man) team up and become a "Cross Combo" Team.



What about you guys? Have you ever had a crossover that you've wanted to see; be it a "Who Would Win" crossover or a crossover with a story?

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